
Sunday 18 December 2016


A Muslim mentions the scripture on the "Pearls" this is my response.

By their pearls you shall know them, for the power of the pearl, is the power of the prosperity of the Spirit. Speak of life experience, for it is in the life experience that Spirit prospers. You have to live with the Spirit to know the Spirit.

That is how one became a thousand healers in the hands of the Holy Spirit that had prospered. The evidence is real and its reality exists, prophecy fulfilled, miraculous.


A lavender healing room, that was originally painted for my mother when she decided to come to stay, it was also my son's room when he came home. It has been changed, it is like being in a bright white pearl. While painting the room bright white, I was given divinely a name for the room, and as I was painting I saw Hebrew symbols appear before me upon the walls, the walls of salvation were being blessed divinely. For healing miracles had been performed in that room, it was in that room, that Jesus also worked with another healer and myself, prior to the missions to Israel. 

It was in that room that he gave his briefings prior to the missions in 2006, and 2007. It was also in that room that rabbi's connected with us in Spirit. In recent days, a healer and I discussed that many spiritual people are coming to a point of closure in their lives, with different scenarios. In my life, it is closure on family bereavement, and the remnants of it. By changing the room, the Spirit of God is changing my life and 2016, has been a year of spiritual transformation for yours truly. 

2015 we moved into the "heart of repose" that Jesus had spoken of, from the heart of repose we moved into the spiritual transformation, when you change your home, it also impacts upon yourself, and the brightness of the healing room, made anew, is spiritually enhancing, and empowering. 

The change of energy is beautiful, with its soft lighting. The room is nearly ready for new spiritual experiences, in this room made anew, it shall house my inversion table, it is the room for the light of the back and enhancing its strength. Not only the back, but the muscles and limbs of the body, it is a room for physical exercise and healing potential. A healer slept in that room on Thursday, and Friday night, I said to her, its not mum's room or my son's room anymore, its your room. Your room that you can come and stay in whenever you wish to do so. 

Prior to leaving hospital on Friday, after surgery, I saw a huge pillar of light standing on my left side, and in front of me was a large ball of blue healing light, that colour blue always reminds me of the holy mother's healing, and her messages that she delivered on the spiritual journey. The mother, the sacred co-creators, may they always be blessed. 

The last message that Native American, Russell Means delivered to his people, was about the sacred feminine. You are not born alone, and you do not leave this world alone either, Spirit is always with you. Just like Spirit was with me prior to, during and after surgery.

When you are consciously aware of having Spirit with you, you can smell the energy imparted to you, when it is given for identification. If you are aligned with your sentient being, you can feel and see the energy that it is with you, that is when you have the holy Spirit of Prosperity, for Spirit that is true, is generous with its giving in perfect alignment with the spiritual law.

An abundance of spiritual experiences, an abundance of delivering miracles, is an indication that the kingdom of God is upon you. Spiritual prosperity, is far greater than material prosperity. 

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