
Saturday 17 December 2016


Today, I am in recovery from surgical procedure, so this is a lovely song from Justine Wayward. Just before the procedure I received the smell of hops from Kent, a sign that mum and dad were with me in Spirit. Then just before we left the hospital, there was a large pillar of light on my left, and a lovely blue healing energy in front of me, so blue is the healing light this night.

So I shall have a banana and black grape with lemon juice nutrient drink. A gentle massage with coconut oil and some bergamot, geranium and lavender.

Finished up the carrot and fresh coriander soup, with two scrambled eggs in it, tomorrow I shall make some celery soup for flushing the adrenals. After that I shall make some leek and potato soup. Plenty of nutritional soups at the moment. I also have some asparagus and salmon that can be mashed, and avocado and dill, and chive herbs for my estrogen to boost the collagen. A time of self-nurturing, self-loving, being kind, compassionate and merciful to self, while the body heals from the trauma of the ordeal. Just relaxing, tomorrow, I might paint and include it on this post, I will see how I feel. 

Thank you everyone for your best wishes and everyone that has helped. Your loving intentions are appreciated. 

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