
Wednesday 14 December 2016


Previous post on Kanye West with the healing painting that was posted in November, 2016.

Great to see Kanye with Trump, and the light of love in the eyes of them both together. Kanye knows that he has a strong man by his side, a man that loves him for speaking his truth. Trump said that they spoke about LIFE when asked what they discussed. Its been quite a journey for them both hasn't it, both had a lot of pressure from the media, and Kanye clearly had pressure from family and other musicians to support Clinton, when his heart and conscience would not allow him to do so.

Being in the centre of the "cross pressures", can be very difficult, especially when there are people that you love involved in it. In Kayne's mandala I saw the two golden fish, and Jesus in his heart. You can also see the natural environment, at the grass roots.


November, 2016 

It was also in a timeline when grace as been under pressure due to the planetary configurations.

Pleased to hear that Kanye has been getting some fresh air, and physical exercise, even involved in an art exhibition, an expression of love between these two men. I feel that Kanye will be fine with the strength of Trump to see him back to getting his life back together again. Remember he also has two lovely babies to think of, and I am sure that he would like to do his best for his children, just like Trump did his best for his. If the media don't know Trump by now, they never will know him, he always puts his people first and if and when he can make time for those that matter to him, he will.

Even if it is just a little while, he will always make a space in time for Kanye, who came out for him so admirably with his support. The media couldn't help themselves, they just had to dissect, Trump's every move, even giving some time to Kanye who has been through a difficult time. I applaud Trump for making time for Kanye, Trump will ensure that he is OK.

Apparently, he took his biographer with him, so a book spilling the beans is on the cards, in their hearts, these men know what they have to do to help America. 

As far as Trump's pick for Secretary of State, there will be plenty of time to discuss that, people come first. Although I would have preferred it if Trump had chosen a top human rights lawyer for SoS, never mind we have the world's top human rights lawyers in the UK, so it looks like that beacon of light is being left to the UK and the UN.

In the meantime, Nigel Farage has been in the EU parliament, calling them out again on their militarising for power against NATO countries, and Putin's female dog has been barking at Japanese journalists.

Even the female dog didn't like the journalists that were photographing Putin with the Japanese ministers. Putin certainly knows how to show his love for nature and the animal world, he also likes to show his love to the people of his country, particularly the children.

In that; Putin and Trump have a lot in common, caring fully for their people and putting their people first, when and where it really matters, in the heart of love. How do you express your love? Maybe you would like to ponder upon that, are you always there for people when they ask to see you, like Trump was for Kanye?

I made three phone calls yesterday, and two out of three people were in, for the third I left a message. Two of those people were pleased to receive some good news, I wished them happy holidays, and look forward to seeing them again in 2017. Onwards and upwards, there will be many breakthroughs in our nations.

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