
Wednesday 14 December 2016


Isaiah 65, America is clearly the nation mentioned in it, due to the sheer numbers of Americans that changed their physical appearance by changing their breasts. It is clearly identified action, that Isaiah 65 is indeed referring to America. "And it shall be, when they have not yet called, that I will respond, when they are speaking, that I will hearken".

Biblical scholars view Isaiah 65 as a timeline when a person, a prophet is sent to call those people out of their "transgressions" and the chapter begins with "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, "Here am I, here am I".


They don't only change their breasts, they change their back sides too. Some Americans think that they can do anything that they like to their bodies, without consequences. They put graffiti all over their bodies, all over their temples, they pierce their meridians, without recognition of the fact that is impacting upon the physical health of their bodies.

Goodness gracious me. Why can they not be happy with how they were created? Seek the happiness within, for as the LORD said, those that have found the happiness within, that is the first heaven. So how many heavens have you discovered after you found the first one?

During my life, people often asked me if there is anything that I would like to change about my body, they also asked why I chose to wear glasses instead of contact lenses. So many people that are only concerned with appearances, instead of what is in the heart, being your real natural self, is being aligned with the spiritual law, and some are truly supernatural. When the kingdom of God is upon you, you can create miracles.

Some biblical scholars also knew that the "Teacher of Righteousness", would reveal themselves, by explaining the scriptures that pertain to the revealing, the unveiling that is mentioned in Isaiah 65. In recent days I was given a word divinely, "Aramatheopist" and it indicates a person that can look at a reality from different perspectives, due to their divine training for it and it does include the health of others.

Isaiah also foretold that only one in a thousand would be able to stand before Joseph in integrity. My breasts are completely natural are yours?

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