
Sunday 18 December 2016


Following on from the post "Aramatheopist", and the surgery that was carried out on Friday, the 16th of December, 2016. That then brings us to Isaiah's "Threshing Sledge", in the "Aramatheopist" blog post, I mentioned the "disabled" and also "business".

Creation Concept have provided their view of Isaiah's Threshing Sledge, and the scholars consider it being the saints that are the "threshing sledge". Joseph is also mentioned in their appraisal of it, although the scholars have not cross-referenced it with the Micah 4 prophecy that mentions Daughter Zion, Daughter Jerusalem, and the threshing that began again after the return from America in 2008.

Isaiah 41 mentions "new and sharp teeth", that means that the prophecy is about communications, all types of communications, and those that are in the know, are fully aware of the threshing that the MSM are experiencing. It is also the timeline of the whistleblowers, and investigative journalists, that are doing an incredible job, also boosted by Julian Assange, that is living on this land of Joseph.

In Julian's medical report available on Wikileaks, it also mentions that he requires dental care, and an MRI scan, and the doctor wrote that he has been suffering from what he has termed, "Health Insecurity". Many people in the UK, have suffered that in recent years, not only Julian Assange.

The Neurological Alliance have shared with us that 58% of patients in the UK, have not been able to access neurological services and when I was in the hospital, the nurse was shocked when I shared with her that I had been asking for an MRI for six years.

Threshing is also about the food that people are given, what spiritual food is given to the people? We know from experience that threshing is done by the spiritual heavy weights, and when the winds come, it can blow away the spiritual lightweights, due to the importance of integrity, and pure intentions.


The Creation Concept website mentions the jars, and whilst a healer was with me in recent days, she asked me why I had so many glass jars. I have been collecting Douwe Egberts glass coffee jars, and I explained to her that the jars are for reuse as storage jars. While she was with me, I filled the jars with different pasta's, and different rice. Although I had intended to put my spices in those jars. I shall collect some more of the glass jars for my spices, so that all of the glass jars match, and they are all watertight and airtight.

In the "Aramatheopist" blog post, I also mentioned the jars.

So what is the difference between the "threshing" in Micah 4, and the "threshing sledge", in ancient Greek spiritual philosophy the threshing was about people, the students that were learning.

If the people could be blown away from you by the wind, and did not return to the basket in which they were winnowed, then they were not strong enough to sustain what was essential to become a "Threshing Sledge". For spiritual people have to be very strong to be able to communicate appropriately about the soil in which the seeds of truth can grow. It's also imperative that the soil is fertile, as Jesus explained in his teachings.

While another healer and I were at the hospital on Friday, with our aromatherapy oils, and essences, we were chatting with the nurses and doctor. The nurse commented upon the fact that I had asked for a blanket prior to surgery, and she said that she thought that what they are giving patients is not warm enough, and that the nurses will have to ask for blankets to be returned to the wards, that a white sheet in not keeping the patients warm enough. Biblical prophecy also mentions the blankets.

The yoghurt given was also to "cold", it should have been at room temperature, instead of straight out of the fridge. The little things can make a big difference to the health of a person and the speed of their recovery after an operation, the comfort of the patient is a priority, pre and post operative procedure.

We also discussed, the importance of having the right surgeon, and that patients are happy with that surgeon. A surgeon that can be trusted by the patient, it is essential that the patients have confidence in the surgeon that they know will be operating on them. So that they can trust the actions, as trust is a huge aspect of what the NHS is encountering with patients.

So we could view the NHS, the medical profession as a mountain, that is doing its best to improve, especially as Isaiah 41, mentions the surgery by mentioning the new teeth. Our local hospital is also on the top of a hill and Isaiah 41 prophecy also mentions the hills.

Communications about the NHS, inside and out, is an imperative aspect of these times, on the land of Joseph. Especially, as the Tories plan to make another 22BN of cuts with the STP's.

Business people are involved in what was a non-profit British institution, and that certainly has to be threshed with a sledge, to ensure that only the very best is provided by our NHS. To ensure that the service is economical and the most cost-effective.

One of the big issues that the NHS is having difficulty with is diagnosis. So for instance, you can have an operation, yet still not be told about the cause of it, no diagnosis was received from any medical or dental practitioner.

Some of it is about what the doctors don't tell you, especially as complimentary medicine therapists are aware of the sheer harm of "metal toxicity", and 'metal poisoning' due to what was put into peoples mouths by the dental profession. We are also aware of how mouth x-rays impact upon the saliva glands.

For 1950's women, most of them also had their tonsils removed, as it was a medical fashion for those children, if they were getting any sore throats during puberty.

In addition, if a person is sanctioned by DWP for any reason at all, the NHS business arm, now charges a fee of £150-200, you receive invoices from the NHS.

Many people in the UK, have to be made aware of their human rights; and that your primary healthcare trust have to pay those charges when a serious health condition is involved.

At the moment, people are being pushed from pillar to post, and that means that there is no-one responsible for your overall care. There is no overlap between the dental profession and the medical profession, that certainly has to change, because the teeth are connected to all of the other systems in the body.

We have to remind everyone of the importance of being ethical, medical ethics. It is about "disclosure", and that is why the recent supermoon was on it, investigative journalism.

It is about the sifting, sifting out many of the lightweights, that have been introduced into the service by private businesses. The healthcare business will certainly get a shake-up.

As I pointed out the other day, this is the Age of Aquarius, and Aquarius is all about the 'Humanitarian'.  I also have communications under my feet with a gemini moon sign. If we are to raise the standards in the UK, we cannot make excuses for anyone, not even our own children, we have to ensure that the right people are in the right jobs, doing what is right to help our people.

Patient choice, is more than having a choice of hospital or service, it is about having the choice of surgeon and a choice in GP. Although if there is a regular feedback about a particular surgeon from patients about how attentive they are, then that certainly has to be considered by the hospital service.

The more attentive the staff are to the wishes of the patients, it is clear that it provides a better outcome for patients. That has been the experience of people that have visited many complimentary medicine therapists, they were able to give their individual patients, the utmost attention and purest intentions.

So as you can see, I can see that the "Threshing Sledge", will be impacting on many different realities in 2017, and I do see how that relates to everything being made anew. From my perspective it is about raising standards wherever I go, or am sent and communications will be an important aspect of that.  Sledge is also an interesting word, as my son had a sledge when he was a child, a sledge for the wintertime, he liked to be on his sledge on the hills in the snow.

The justice system in the UK also haven't been happy about the communications from the GP's and some of the consultants, that certainly has to be looked at too. GP's have become totally reliant on the hospital consultants, blood tests and x-rays. Then we have the two top orthopaedic surgeons in the UK, working with the latest technology, that have already stated that "x-rays are useless".


Hence, if the proper technology was provided at the earliest stage, a vast number of cases could be resolved a lot quicker than they currently are, and that would save a lot more time that has to be spent with GP's discussing the various health conditions that people are encountering.

A friend also shared that a lot of women are experiencing a lot of dry skin, and I responded to her that is it is due to estrogen, and that they have to increase their estrogen that boosts the collagen that helps the skin. So if you are experiencing dry skin, it is imperative that you increase the amount of estrogen rich foods that you are eating. It is about eating and drinking for health, you can also moisturise and massage the skin with coconut oil.


2017, a good year for the spiritual family, as 20+17 = 37, a divine numeric, particularly relevant to Judaism, especially as the "Threshing Sledge", is also a Jewish prophecy from Isaiah. It will be a very powerful year for the spiritual family in the UK and particularly, the women born in the 1950's that have the support of yours truly. A legal challenge is a work in progress; and the WASPI's have hired legal help to defend the women and their pensions.

Also in 2017, the UN will be issuing their report on the 'disabled' to the government, after their meeting in Geneva. 

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