
Friday 23 December 2016


On the morning of the 17th of December, 2016, I saw a large pipe and it was painted royal blue, and I immediately thought my son should paint that for me. Then afterwards, I kept on seeing Tweet type messages, in a reel, and when I opened my eyes, the tweets were on the side of the wardrobe on my left. At the time, I thought it was strange, because I don't tweet, or have a Twitter account. I shared what I saw with a friend that was staying with me at the time.

Now there is news that two Jewish gay guys had to be removed from a Jet Blue plane, due to what they were saying to and about Ivanka Trump who was seated on the flight with her children. The Daily Mail have written how Dan Goldstein and Matthew Lasner were "boasting' on Twitter of their 'harassment', of Ivanka. Two guys that would happily go after a mother in front of her children, absolutely, "disgraceful behaviour". Those with the Spirit of Grace, would do everything that they could to protect and defend a mother, whether you like their dad or not. Keep an eye open for those two guys, I don't think we have heard the last of Dan and Matthew, and they certainly should not have been given custody of a child.

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