
Friday 23 December 2016

America's "Culture of Fraud"

On the 11th December, I wrote about "Polygamy in the UK".

Now a polygamous group leader from Salt Lake Ciy, Utah has been charged in a "multi-million-dollar food stamp fraud case". " John Wayman, 57, was one of nearly a dozen people accused of orchestrating a scheme to funnel $12 million worth of followers' food stamp benefits into front companies to fund the LDS leaders' lavish lifestyles."  Latter Day Saints they are not.

I hope that America closes them down, because we know what Jesus and the bible says about such activities, don't have anything to do with them, it is game over for the American churches, politically and financially.

Isaiah 65 - American Bosoms

Jesus foretold that there would be a redistribution of wealth, so stop giving money to the American churches that pays for their leaders to live lavish lifestyles. Jesus asked for his healers to be funded, his miracle workers, and he spoke of how if his healers were refused, judgement would come upon those towns and cities. Did you get the message Utah?

Prophet Isaiah was correct, only one in a thousand would be able to stand before Joseph in integrity.

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