
Thursday 22 December 2016


Saudi Arabia's foreign minister says that Saudi won't withdraw its investments in the U.S. after the election of Donald Trump or due to the potential for lawsuits under the U.S. Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, known as JASTA. In fact, he said that Saudi plans to increase its investments in America.

If America and other Western nations would like Islam to stop spreading on their soil, then you have no choice, but to stop the Saudi Islamic investments in your countries. You also have to kick out sharia finance and law from your banks. Islamic banking is promoted as 'interest-free-banking", when in fact, the fees charged far exceed what conventional interest would have been. I discovered this for myself when I looked into the rent-to-buy schemes. Where you pay some in mortgage and some in rent, it worked out that you were paying a lot more in the end.

In Australia, in the 90's, they had a different mortgage scheme, where people paid their mortgages every two weeks, that meant that they were paying a lot less interest, and were able to buy their properties much quicker.

It is better to be patient than be a warrior. Proverbs 16. Islam use economic and social jihad to take over nations and we have seen in the news this week what the Islamic warriors have been up to. In the UK, the British don't even own our own Olympic Village, that is a sign of cultural genocide.

Now one of the claims of Islam is that their oracle had a birthmark on his left side, they call it the 'Seal of Prophethood", let it be known that it requires more than a birthmark for identification. There is a strict criteria that was laid down by the Jewish prophets, and the Arabian oracle did not meet the criteria, gender or timeline, and that is why the Jewish elders did not accept that Arabian man.

As such, the Muslims have no claim that has been authenticated by the Jewish prophets, nor do they have any claim to Jerusalem in Israel. Muhammad never stepped foot on the land of Israel, whereas I walked on that land for five weeks. Believe me, there is no room in the inn of Islamic hotels in East Jerusalem, we tried, and this Western woman was refused a room to stay in. They soon stopped complaining about room uptake, after I made that known to our spiritual community.

Proverbs 31 

Even I have a birthmark on my left side, on my neck, just above my shoulder collar bone.  A lovely little birthmark, I call it my beauty mark, a hairless, piece of brown skin.

Jesus also foretold that wisdom would come, and so she did exactly as he foretold. He also said that when wisdom come, that she would be proven correct. I was certainly proven correct about Obama and his Islamic funding, and we all know about the Clinton's and their Islamic funding in their foundation.

Does it remind you of Rev 13? Jewish prophecy foretold that a Virgin would come with 60 just ones to stand against that Leopard that was also mentioned in the book of Daniel. Everything that I was divinely given and shared with Americans about Obama was correct. Remember when he struck Pakistan four days into his presidency? I warned a Pakistani about that a few months previously, that it would happen Chinese New Year, and it did.

Interesting that Donald John Trump also called Obama out on his birth certificate.

Prophecy foretold that he would drink from a stream along the way.

For the latest on Sharia Banking and Finance, I recommend this blog.

This winter I am really getting the taste for Brandy, and it is a great booster for the immune system.

See people can drink for their health, everything in moderation.

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