
Thursday 22 December 2016


The lovely Jacob Rees-Mogg tells parliament and the opposition to BREXIT, 'WE WILL OBEY THE BRITISH ELECTORATE". This is the only Conservative MP worth listening to, a former ambassador.

Interesting that Isaiah 65 mentions Jacob and the "Threshing Sledge".

The threshing is also mentioned in Micah 4 when daughter Zion returned from America in 2008, the threshing began again. Rev 12 that was completed in December 2008, also overlapped with Micah 4.

It was then that Jesus said that we were moving into a higher gear, and we began the first blog at the end of the year after the winter Solstice.

We've had millions of visitors since that time, and this summer visitors to this blog soared with visits from the Russians, and now it is soaring again with visits from the French. 

In the last month there have been over 28,000 visits to this blog. 

Did you know that since Putin as been leading Russia, their wages have tripled? Cameron and Obama can't say that they did that for America or the UK can they?

In Wakefield two thirds of the people voted to leave the EU, in this Question Time, the people of Wakefield take down Laurie Penny and her comrades.

Laurie Penny admits that she doesn't like sport, I liked some sport at school, including hockey, I liked the hockey stick and being wrapped up warm in the wintertime. The hockey stick in the shape of the J, J for the land of Joseph. Does it remind you of a Hebrew letter that looks like a J? The shepherds staff.

It is better to be patient than be a warrior. Proverbs 16, I was certainly patient and waited for the right time, when I got onto the hockey field, then the boys knew that I was on it.

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