
Tuesday 27 December 2016


On this post I am sharing what it means to dig your heels into earthly realities. In the first video, Jonathan Pie shares about homelessness in the UK, how funding has been cut by half to charities that help the homeless, at the same time homelessness has doubled in the UK since 2010.

In Germany, in Berlin, Christmas Day, a homeless man was also set on fire by the economic migrants, the people that care fully for homeless people agree, that those so-called refugees and their families should be deported immediately, with their families if necessary. We will not put up with such behaviour in the West.

Homelessness is close to my heart, as I remember the night we were coming home from the holiday celebration, a friend and I. A man was sleeping in the subway, a homeless man that I recognised. I put in his pocket everything that I had on me, a £20 note was put into his top pocket. 

It's no coincidence then that in recent years I had a dream of a person giving me a £20 note and soon afterwards a person did give me a £20 note for the holiday period, exactly as I had seen it folded up in the dream. We reap what we sow is true. What I had given to others, came back into my life decades later. It was a powerful testimony to truth.


The story of that homeless man was a sad story, he was tall, attractive, he had been a doctor and it was shared with me that his wife and children had died in a house fire and that's why he ended up on the streets. An incredibly intelligent and talented man, on the streets, a medical professional at that.

A medic once shared with me, that in medical school they don't teach medics how to cope with emotions, although the tragedy that he experienced, was huge, and so hard for him to overcome. It blew his mind away, what happened to his wife and children. As such, we cannot judge the homeless, as there is always a life story to comprehend that brought them to homelessness. 

In America, our Americans ladies have been digging their heels in too, into a different reality that they care passionately about. 

What else is happening? Figures released show the sheer amount of cash being raised on the backs of the poor and sick in the UK. It's absolutely 'Despicable', that the British government would support such a thing, as to charge people to park their car when they have to go for a hospital service. 

The Macmillan cancer support charity are digging their heels in on the government and the charges. £120 million from car parking charges and that's not all, as not all of the hospitals provided the figures on what they had earned from their car parks. 

England is the only location in the UK that is charging car parking fees at hospitals, absolutely, 'disgraceful'. Where is their compassion and mercy for the poorest of the nation that can't afford private healthcare like the politicians can? 

What the British government are doing in the UK is "economic cruelty", and totally "unethical". 

Where is their integrity of being, where are they coming from? 

You know what Prophet Isaiah said don't you? Only one in a thousand would be able to stand in integrity before Joseph. 

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