
Tuesday 27 December 2016


Last night I was given the OLIVE divinely, for Chanukah. So I then made a plate of dips with olives to eat for my healthy nutrients. My plate included taramasalata, humous, a homemade aubergine dip, mozzarella cheese and lots of green olives with some fresh dill. So it looks like we are still having estrogen boosters that also boost the collagen.

I had already cooked my aubergine with onions, garlic, and tomatoes. So I then put that in the juicer to make a lovely dip to have with the olives. After I had eaten my plate of olives and dips, I then responded to a PM. After that I heard the sound of a Tibetan singing bowl at my right ear, a beautiful soft sound and confirmation that we are on track with the creative connection. In these sound videos, Tibetan Bowl Master, Mark Handler is working with his healing bowls, beautiful.

These holidays have been a time for looking at commitment, and what you are committed to. For some we've had to let go of what we were committed to, especially with family, and children, for those children that are now adults. When the children become adults, we have to allow the children to go their own way, whether we agree with it or not. For truly, adults have a choice, the easy way, or the hard way. As we know the gate is narrow, and few find it. 

If you have done your best in life to give your children a foundation of love, that is the best that you can do for them. One day, they will return to it, when they are ready to do so, they cannot forget what is in their hearts, the day comes when they have to come home to the love within, and its compassionate action that is compelled by love. 

So consider your commitment elders, and what your commitment is too, for there is a re-adjustment in your priorities in this timeline. A friend shared today that Saturn energy is also about commitment, so what are you committed to in your life? Are you committed to the power of healing, are you committed to improving your life? 

I had a lovely email discussion with a member of our spiritual family, and we were engaging about holy mackerel. He was sharing how he likes his smoked mackerel, I was so pleased to hear about that, as I know that he is looking at healing foods now. 

Remember this that our spiritual family is different to our earthly family, our spiritual family are beyond what most people comprehend. Our earthly family can choose to join the spiritual family, but in 85% of cases it is their choice whether to do so. Each have their own journey to explore, each have their own adventure in life, each have to decide for themselves, the direction that they chose pre-destination.

You can give your children a tray of seeds of truth, although it is what they choose to do with those seeds of truth that really matters at the end of the day. When the soil is fertile, is when those seeds of truth grow the best, and as we know, seeds flourish the best when they receive sound and healing.

Seeds like the sunshine, they also like the water, the appropriate amount of water, shiloh, as pure as the dew upon the leaves, the leaves for healing the nations. 

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