
Tuesday 27 December 2016

Gates of Love Children

I really like this song 'Gate of Love', its good for the soul. Eventually puppies grow up and you have to allow those children to live their journey as adults. It is their choice, chosen pre-destination, it is their adventure of life. The best any parent can do is give their children a profound foundation of love, that is the commitment that parents have to children. However, no matter how big your tray of seeds of truth, the seeds have to be put into fertile soil. The seeds require the sunshine and the water, shiloh.

However, the seeds blossom the best when they receive sound and healing, for what is life and getting through and over life's obstacles that present themselves, when it requires healing to empower the overcoming to be victorious in life experience. It is only life that is endowed with integrity, that is victorious at the end of the day.

A child may bite the hand that feeds it, but at the end of the day, if there is true love in their hearts, they will alway remember that love when they re-enter their hearts to find it again. Jesus knew that to be true, remember the story of the prodigal son, and the widow's son.

Healing is so powerful, and it requires a commitment to it. Not all those that have been born will choose a spiritual journey, the spiritual family is different to the earthly family. That is why Jesus shared that the gate is narrow and few find it, and the sheer joy that it brings. His commitment to helping humanity was huge, beyond measure. Just like the day we make a total commitment to a marriage. so to was his commitment to the spiritual family, that takes his work forward to help humanity.

Moses and Elijah knew that to be true, that is why they appeared before him to transfigure him, the divine knew that his heart was in the right place of pure intentions, and utmost attention. The divine knew that he lived in integrity, and only one in a thousand can stand before Joseph in integrity.

"Looking at those that sat around him, he said, here are my mother, and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my mother, my sister and my brother". Mark 3:34-35 

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