
Tuesday 22 November 2016


MILO is currently in the UK and was planning to talk to more than 220 Langton sixth formers before the event's abrupt cancellation yesterday. Milo, an ex-student and Breitbart senior editor, you would think that they would welcome one of their ex-students to speak at their school wouldn't you?

Especially, an exceptional speaker such as Milo, oh no, the report from Breitbart states that a U.K. government department intervened. Which one of Theresa May's government department's was that?

The Department of Education's counter extremism unit.

Now we can't have the awesome Milo talking to his old school can we, you know, the creative star of the show that was involved in the presidential campaign for the next President of America, probably the most powerful position in the world.  Simon Langton Grammar School, didn't have the courage to accept one of their own, and his freedom of speech. Such an impressive young man, what an inspiration he is to the young people of our country and abroad.


You know Theresa May is not too keen on Nigel Farage, and Canterbury is in Kent, and Kent is Nigel Farage country. It looks like this has been a political ban, especially as Nigel Farage has such a great friendship with Mr Trump and the Breitbart team of true investigative journalists. If you would like to read the truth children, you are welcome to visit BREITBART because Milo and his team mates both male and female are hot on facts.

Do you remember the government also tried to ban Geert Wilders from the Netherlands, after he had been invited to speak in London by the Lords. It caused uproar in the House of Lords, and Geert eventually got to speak.

Then they put up a petition to try to ban Donald J Trump from coming to the U.K, fancy that, trying to ban a man that was clearly going to become the President of America. Now he's won, Elizabeth is inviting him to Windsor in 2017.

Would you send your child to a school that tried to close down freedom of speech? How much does the Simon Langton Grammar School and the Department of Education know about human rights law? Do they share the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 with their students?

Perhaps we should remind Simon Langton of what that Universal Declaration says about "Freedom of Expression", because the school and Theresa May is in contravention of it.

Now what bread of life is Simon Langton School giving to their students, one of the Simon Langton students mentioned being molded, so it's interesting that I received a vision of bread that had mold on it, and that slice of bread was on my right.

That Milo he's like a boxer, trust him to be in the U.K. during the Storm Angus, at least that young man was built to last, what great muscles and stamina he has. Best wishes to you Milo, and love to your mum.

What else is happening? It's quite astounding what is happening on campus in New Hampshire. Professors told students to rally against the new president, and now they're trying to get Trump supporters expelled from their university. Whatever next, America, I'm glad I don't live there, crazy country.

Then there is Trump and Farage, the two men that campaigned on "anti-establishment" winding up Theresa May, and other Conservatives over the role of the U.K. Ambassador to the U.S.A. They do make me laugh, and even Jeremy Corbyn has been triggered by those two great men. Tweet, tweet, they are tweeting, they're probably texting each other too. It's a whole new era in politics, life as changed, and for the media too.

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