
Tuesday 22 November 2016


Prophet Isaiah gave a prophecy about the olives, and how there would be few olives remaining on the tree. 'Some gleanings will remain, as when an olive tree is beaten, leaving two or three olives on it's top most branches. Four or five on the fruitful boughs, declares the LORD, the God of Israel. In that day, the people will look to their maker, and turn their eyes to the holy one of Israel'. Isaiah 17:6-7

The news is that an "Olive killer disease has arrived on Mallorca" an Island off the coast of Spain.

The BBC have written that it was first recorded in the EU in 2013, and it has spread westwards. It has also been detected in cherry trees at a garden centre.

The first time it was detected in Europe was in 2013, in olive trees in Puglia, southern Italy, it's even been found in southern France. It's concerning for European countries because the EU is the largest producer and consumer of olive oil. We produce 73% of the world's olive oil. The report says that it was due to the "Olive killer disease", that the price of olive oil went up in 2015.

In that video, it says that the disease came from Costa Rica, so it must have come from something that was imported.

Both Elijah and Jesus warned to make sure that you have plenty of oil and flour.

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