
Monday 21 November 2016

TRUMP and BREAD Visions

While bathing today, I kept on seeing Donald J Trump looking at me. He was right in front of me.

Then on my right I saw a slice of bread and at least half of the slice was "green and moldy".!

Biblically bread is a symbol of life, and in America, most of the food that they eat is GM, and that is another reason why people in the UK and other European countries refuse American food. Another reason why so many people were against TTIP, it's a big no, no, to American food and produce. In fact, the last time that I looked, American food had been banned in over 160 countries.

The fact that the bread appeared on the right is also significant. In some symbolism, the right is masculine, the yang. In the book of Leviticus, if something is 'moldy', it means it has been 'defiled' and as we know Mr Trump is against the lobbyists.

"See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many". Hebrews 12:15 

Some view Christian churches in America as right wing, when in fact, it was disclosed by Project Veritas, that some of those churches were funnelling money to the Clinton campaign. When capitalists have funded people that they thought were Christian socialists, then they find out that they are not, it can come as a huge shock. I do think that some people in America are still in shock over the outcome of the presidential election, and some have been 'defiled' by it. It has been disclosed that Australia also gave money to the Clinton Foundation, not just Islamic countries.


So many tears have been wept, by so many Americans that were triggered by what people said. Then there was how the media acted in response to the success and power of Trump. They called him all the names under the sun, and are still doing so. Trump and Farage were men that know how to wind people up, just like they've wound up Theresa May. For the evolved it is entertaining to watch, how people are responding to these two men.

That video above is just another example of how 'defiled', America is, for the truth be known, it is written that Jesus referred all of his followers to Abba, the heavenly Father. He also sent his healers out and asked them to seek a person that was worthy of them to fund their healing works and that if his healers were refused, then judgement would come upon those towns and cities.

Some people's lives will never be the same, careers have ended, lives destroyed, people have died, other people have disappeared, so much has happened. It has you asking, "What happened to the bread of life?". How did the men on the right, how did the Christians allow their country to become so Liberally "toxic"?

From agriculture, to education, from education to the media, and some of the church ministries, to politics and organisations and corporations.

Freedom doesn't mean that men or women can "contaminate" the land or it's people, freedom brings with it huge responsibilities to respect the land and the spiritual law of creation.

After I saw the bread, Trump's face kept on appearing before me, looking straight at me, he is a man that looks you straight in the eyes.

Author, John Pilger, an internationally respected investigative journalist and documentary film maker (he interviewed Julian Assange recently), speaks about Trump in this interview, the presidential election and the media, plus the national security machine.

He also mentions Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Towards the end of the interview he mentions the austerity that has been inflicted upon the people in the UK, and he speaks of how unnecessary it is in such a wealthy country.

1 comment:

  1. Trump tells the American media that they should be "ashamed of themselves" in what was meant to be a private meeting at Trump Tower.

    What did the American MSM do? "defiled" many, apparently their networks are being boycotted, and their stocks are plummeting.

    The power of communications, the American MSM had the opportunity to speak the truth, and report on the election honestly and fairly. Perhaps they should go back to university and learn what journalism means.

    At least RT has some excellent investigative journalists, a very high standard of British journalists are on RT. One of the reasons that so many people view it. Great to see John Pilger featured in an interview on RT giving a fair appraisal.

    So Donald has called out those American journalists again, did they learn anything at their meeting?

    Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.
