
Tuesday 1 November 2016

PETER THIEL, National Press Club

On Monday, Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder gave a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. A previous financial backer of Ron Paul.

He gives his view of what is happening in America, where it's at, including the presidential election. Peter talks about business and silicone valley too. After his speech, he responds to questions. Why is he supporting Trump in this election? Listen to what he has to say about why he contributed financially to his campaign.

His biggest concern is more war and America's involvement in it, then the economy, many Americans see the high cost of the wars that America has been involved in. He also discusses the Gawker Media case, and his underwriting the legal defence against Gawker on behalf of Hulk Hogan due to principle.

The 80's media business model isn't working anymore. Mainstream news media doesn't have the monopoly anymore, he's sees himself staying in tech, although not in media. He ends with responding to a question about politics, and he clearly doesn't like the way presidential elections and politics operate.

He views it like a battle field, I sense that he is quite a sensitive man, and justice is important to him, and as we know sometimes there is no justice in politics due to the nature of it in America. Although at the beginning of his speech, he is hopeful of change to a system that he views as broken.

Peter's response earlier in the year after a Bilderberg meeting.

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