
Tuesday 1 November 2016

Parliament Prophecy

Nostradamus gave a prophecy that mentions the government building on the Thames.


'The fortress beside the Thames
Will fall, the government blockaded within.
Thereafter along the coast it will be stripped bare,
Their adversary will behold the corpse,
then he will stand inside the barrier".

Cameron created the biggest government that England has ever had and Nostradamus also gave a prophecy that mentions that the government of the country will change and never grow again.

Interesting that Nigel Farage also lives near the coastline.


'In the confines of the War the destiny of Britain will change.
Near to the shore where three fine young nations will be born.
Ruin to the people competent through their seniority,
The government of the country will change, and never grow again."


'The true flame will engulf the government.
Which wished to put to death the innocents.
Near the time of assault the at my will become inflamed,
And one will see a prodigious thing in the bull of Seville".

Nostradamus was certainly divinely guided, he was so accurate about so many things that came to pass. Of Jewish ancestry, his family become Christians and many Jewish people did so, to ensure their safety, in times when it was necessary to do so. Just like when Jesus sent his followers to the other side, until it was safe to return.

Ultimately, his wish was for his followers to be safe, so that they could live to carry on the work. that was his main concern, as he knew what would happen, if humanity refused the love of the heavenly Father. People have a choice in life, to choose integrity, to chose the path that brings life, love, and laughter.

Nostradamus, a metaphysician and healer, a mystic that was humble hearted, certainly the holy Spirit was with him. He was a miracle worker, although most authors concentrated on his prophetic work, as that was of more interest to more people. A lot of his work overlapped with biblical prophecy, like a velvet glove upon the hand of God.

It's clear that he knew that the true flame would come from Europe, England, the land of Joseph. The flame of Joseph that is mentioned in biblical prophecy, not only that, but the family of Joseph would be taken back to Spain, and to spend much time there during their lives on the planet. 

I remember being taken to a bullfight in Spain, dad only took us once, on our first visit to Spain, my true family did not like bloodshed and 'violence vexes the Spirit of God'.

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