
Wednesday 2 November 2016

Car Crash Dream

I had two dreams, when I woke up I could remember the first dream, then I went back to sleep again, and I had a different dream. In the second dream I was talking to a man and when I got into my car I backed into a small parked car and so there was a crash. I then got out of my car to look at the damage to the back of my car.

Artist, Sophie Anderson 

In dream interpretation to dream of being in a car crash heralds an important achievement, and the louder or bigger the crash the more noteworthy will be the accomplishment.

Last night prior to bed while looking at a Trump video, the heavenly Father spoke and he said, 'EXCEPTIONALISM'. Sherle Schwenniger, a co-founder of the New America Foundation, remarked that TRUMP would redefine American Exceptionalism by bringing to an end the neoliberal/neoconservative globalist project, that Hillary Clinton and many Republicans support.

So let this be a day when you celebrate your accomplishments and achievements. Each day achieve something, each day accomplish something. It is certainly the way that I have led my life, never putting off till tomorrow what I can do today. I used to say it is better to have all of your work done, then you can have the luxury of enjoying some time off afterwards.

James O'Keefe has certainly provided some exceptional undercover investigative film work. As the LORD said, MAJEURE'. In this undercover investigation, a major democrat donor talks about African-Americans and he compares those that choose to vote Republican as Nazi's.

A Jewish man, Benjamin Barber on camera, this is a huge disclosure and a serious eye-opener for African-Americans who responded to the video so graciously.

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