
Wednesday 2 November 2016


James O'Keefe has certainly provided some exceptional undercover investigative film work. As the LORD said, 'MAJEURE'. In this undercover investigation, a major democrat donor talks about African-Americans and he compares those that choose to vote Republican as Nazi's.

Benjamin Barber, a Jewish man filmed for the world to see, this is a huge disclosure and a serious eye-opener for the African-Americans who responded to the video so graciously, under the circumstances.

He has 'accused' the African-Americans that vote Republican that they are voting for their own self-interest to prolong their own lives, and in so doing they are helping people to 'murder' their own. We only have to look at the history of the Liberal Democrats to see their involvement in what has happened in African-American communities, especially Chicago.

African-Americans shocked by the disclosures that came out of his mouth, especially as the American republicans have been so faithful to Israel and its right to exist.

All I can say is that there are some Jewish people that stand against the recreation of Israel and its existence. There is no defence for Benjamin Barber, no defence at all, he and the Democrat party have been judged by their own words.

I did try to warn them in advance of what would happen if they supported the Obama-Clinton machine.  However, Benjamin Barber requires a lot of healing to heal his past, it sounds like he has a past life to heal due to what he has done.

Benjamin Barber has supported the Clinton machine that has been "murdering" it's own people, and there is a lot of evidence to support that, many people in America know that to be true. Not only that but they have implemented "Economic Cruelty" too.

What did they do to the Jewish people in WWII? They took their assets, what was Obama involved in when he was community organising? Promoting mortgages and financial debt to African-American communities. Sub-prime mortgages and how Americans could attain them.

Truly it is better to be poor and live in integrity, than it is to be rich and have none. Like all peoples some have integrity and some don't. It is the same with the Jewish people, some have integrity and some don't. As the prophecy foretold, only one in a thousand can stand before Joseph in integrity. 

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