
Wednesday 5 October 2016

White Coat Man Alert

I was woken up in the night by a man, he was wearing a white coat, and he had a 'horrible' look on his face, he was dressed like doctors used to dress, in a white coat. He was right in my face, with the look of a 'predator', he was determined that he was going to have me physically.

I immediately responded with the power of my mind to remove the man with black hair from my space. Women this is a warning, be strong in your minds, hearts and Spirit and defend yourselves and your bodies from the Spirit of the medical profession and its ambitions.

This comes right after the news yesterday, that the UK plans to train 1,500 doctors.

This video shares what doctors don't disclose, a hidden epidemic in medicine.

Why do they have to train 1,500 doctors when they laid off 8,000 in 2007-8? Didn't we have enough doctors? If they were getting rid of doctors so that they could bring in new doctors, that means there must be a difference in their training, doesn't it? Or are they planning to train foreigners that will accept the new Jeremy Hunt contracts? You decide.

Apparently, in the UK, in 2007, the white coats were banned in the UK.

Although some people are bringing the white coats back.


  1. So what is in the news today? Jeremy Hunt and the new doctors contract. It's being described by the BMA as a watershed for the NHS.

  2. Spain playing with fire as it threatens to CHARGE ex-pats for healthcare after Brexit.

    Madrid fired the starting gun on a bitter political wrangle after saying the UK must cough up for hospital and doctors' appointments for its citizens in Spain.

    But the move is likely to spark a retaliatory response from Westminster, which could begin billing Spanish citizens for access to the NHS after Britain quits the European Union (EU).

    The latest incendiary proclamation from Madrid demonstrates the huge task prime minister Theresa May faces in negotiating an exit deal with the rest of Europe.

    It was made by the Spanish foreign minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, who suggested Britain could be required to pay an annual lump sum to cover the cost of expats' healthcare.

    He said: “We must reach an agreement for residents to access health services in Spain, but covered by the United Kingdom."

    There are an estimated 800,000 Britons living in Spain, with most in their later years having headed south for a sun-soaked retirement.

    Britain already covers the cost of pensioners' treatment, to the tune of £223 million a year, but Britons working and paying taxes to Madrid can currently access Spanish healthcare services on the same basis as locals.
