
Wednesday 5 October 2016

Nigel Farage responds to Diane James Resignation

On the day of 'JUST CAUSE', Nigel explains why Diane James as resigned after being elected as leader of UKIP. Nigel Farage and Diane James had dinner the night prior to the announcement.

He cites causes that include health of family, and the fact that she was 'attacked' at Waterloo station.

Diane's life at risk being the leader of a political party, he says, that suddenly it dawned on her what it means to be a leader of UKIP or any political party.

The fact of having to be surrounded by security at all times, your life is not your own 24/7. Your life is always at risk, especially when you are leader of UKIP.

However, shouldn't Diane already have thought that through bearing in mind what happened to Nigel's plane and car? Some people are very pleased to see Nigel back, although Nigel as said it is only for an interim period; while UKIP hold another election for a new leader.

So when push came to shove, Diane James decided to put her family and her own life first. Apart from that she has said that she was having difficulty bringing together the team to support what she had planned to do with UKIP. She wasn't able to formalise the team so that they could move forward together.

It looks now that a man will become the new leader of UKIP. Of course, Diane is still an MEP for as long as we are still paying the EU, Diane is still a member of UKIP and involved in the work of UKIP.

At the same time, Nigel is prepping Donald Trump on the next presidential debate, and has been invited to attend it in the USA. Nigel will clearly do what he can to keep Clinton out of the oval office.

The day of just cause indeed.

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