
Tuesday 4 October 2016

Beaten Work - Menorah

In this video, Jeff Benner shared about the KJV, and how the translators changed the 'she' to a 'he'.

It is important because it speaks of work that was beaten, and that would happen for the menorah to come to be. It is important because the true text speaks of a feminine gender. History was made, and prophecy fulfilled.

What did Jesus say in the parable, do you remember? 

Do you comprehend now why he honoured the feminine, when he said that wisdom would be proven correct? Do you understand why he gave the parable of the virgins? Why Zephaniah foretold that the Virgin would come with 60 just ones to stand against the 'Son of Lawlessness'? Why, even St Jerome mentioned a prophecy about the Virgin in his letters, a prophecy that indicated a specific timeline. 

Jewish New Year, 5777 adds up to 26, the gematria of the name of God. This video is called the 'Olive Branch'.

In that video he mentions David, as we know, David was found hanging on a tree in 2013, exactly as the biblical prophecies foretold. It happened after he was 'arrested' by the police, and Jesus forewarned about the 'arrests' of his followers, as written in scripture. 

I went before David, I was 'imprisoned' before David, and tried to help David, I tried to protect him as I was so concerned for him. The last that I read about it, the coroner said that he was innocent and there was going to be an IPCC investigation. 

Scripture warned about the 'insults', the 'persecution' etc and the Son of Joseph also went through that when the Irish Catholics went after him.

My dad went through a major court case, he was victorious when he was young, he overcome that, the Son of Joseph threw the book at them, he knew trade union law like the back of his hand. However, in his 50's they came up with another scheme to take him out and take his life.

There was so much goodness in his heart, so much love, the power of love that he showered upon his daughter while he was bringing me up. No man could replace the Son of Joseph, he was a justice of the peace. A totally, unique individual. Will I ever get over what they did to him? As he said after he passed over, "Forget-me-not".  


What juiced drink did I have this week? Pineapple and Kiwi. My sweet was banana fritters with ice cream. I've had olives and cheese. Salmon with potatoes cooked in garlic, turmeric and onions, with spinach and sweet potato for the Jewish holiday.

Last night I had garlic mushrooms and brown bread, as the mushrooms were reduced to 25pence.  Concentration on nutrients that the body requires. Today, I shall have some red grapes, I also have plums, kiwi's and apples. 

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