
Thursday 20 October 2016

TRUMP SUKKOT 3rd Presidential Debate

My view is that it was a very sad night for America due to the massive disclosures from Wikileaks, and the undercover investigations from James O'Keefe at Veritas. Information that the American public have the right to know about the Clinton cards and how she does her utmost to 'rig' an election.

The undercover investigation also exposed that Clinton campaigners had paid people to 'disrupt and co-create violence' at Trump rallies.

So were you surprised by the fire bombing of a Trump office? How much TV coverage did that get?

I would've liked Trump to have done more, and called out Clinton on how she made her wealth when he had the opportunity. The fact is that the Clinton's made their wealth originally by 'selling the blood of prisoners', yes, the Clinton 'blood suckers'. Not only that but Planned Parenthood was mentioned during the debate and how Clinton supports it.

Discerning people have seen the investigation of PP's 'sale of babies body parts', that's why she supports Planned Parenthood, Clinton hasn't changed has she since her 'blood sucking' days of 'making money on the backs of the poor in prisons.'

Now they 'make money on the backs of poor women that have abortions.'

Are you pro-life? You certainly would be if you saw what is going on at Planned Parenthood.

My own point of view is that a pregnant woman comes first in her choices. However, I could never ever condone what is being done to those babies in America.

What did Jesus say about abortion, in response to Catholics in 2007? He said, 'Save the lost soul before you birth a new one'. Profound words indeed.

How she and Bill Clinton ever got into the White House the first time, is a record that should seriously be reviewed by those that support the Liberal Democrats.

Do they have a heart of conscience? Did they ever, especially after what they saw Clinton do to Libya, and she smiled with glee over what she had done to Libya, and its leader.

Clinton likes the sight of blood doesn't she, as blood means money to the Clintons, interesting that they also have 'blood money' in Islamic countries, and the Clinton Foundation certainly accepted plenty of that.

I watched the debate live, until the mention of Haiti when the live stream crashed. Although I have been able to watch the end of it on youtube today. I don't think that the moderator disciplined enough during the debate and the moderation allowed Clinton and Trump to go off the point of the questions.

The moderator also allowed Clinton to talk over Trump and the moderator in some of the segments.

That's the way Clinton is used to overstepping men when she is in power as secretary of state.

I think that was when Trump looked the most presidential, just allowing Clinton to go off on another one of her jaunts down the path that she chose a long time ago, when she chose to get 'rich on blood money'.

During the debate Clinton spoke of 'dark money', yea, you can't clean that up can you Hillary, as you are entrenched in it. You see God sees beyond appearances directly into your heart.

There is a stark reality between Clinton and Trump. Trump the builder of hospitals -v- the Clinton 'blood sucker, and organ seller'. It makes you wonder where Clinton got that idea from to 'make money on the back of the blood of prisoners', did she get that idea from China? You know the same China that was putting spiritual people in prison and taking their organs?

People are awake and I'm sure that sensible people don't believe what Clinton said about Russia due to the disclosures that we have already seen about Clinton and what the DNC were planning to do.

However, what does Trump have in common with Putin, they both visit children with cancer, and contribute to the funding of their care. Two men that have done their best to save lives, while Clinton was destroying lives. Prophet Isaiah foretold of the renewal and the restoration of the buildings in his prophecies.

We have a video record of a plan of how there is a plan to destroy America and it was recorded in 1958. Seriously, the American people that may be undecided, should watch that before they vote in November. Be sure to know that you will have to vote for the candidate that will give you independence, and the freedom, and liberty that the founders envisaged.

The presidential debate was held on the 19th October, in numerics that is the 'Day of Independence'. You have a choice in November, for a candidate that would like to save his country, versus a candidate that has been involved in its destruction with Obama for decades.

Remember this that Trump is a builder by nature, a man that would like to rebuild and restore America. This is what his son had to say about the debate.

I will be honest, I don't think America was given the best choice of candidates, but it is the candidates that you have the choice between. However, the builder has done his best to call out those that have done more harm to America, it's reputation, it's credibility, and it's standing in the world.

You've been offered a man that is not afraid to call them out, a man that has been tremendously courageous and tenacious. Not only that but he has been successful at voicing what is in people's hearts, Americans are screaming for truth and justice and Trump is a man that has the ability to deliver it. A man that knows about restoration, and building infrastructure, a man that has the experience to create jobs.

A man with a tree of life experience. It reminds me of when the heavenly Father said, 'Your love is as deep as the ocean, and as tall as a tree'.

If I was him, I would give Jill Stein a job, as her green and ecological involvement would be a great advantage to him. I would also recommend that he has a native American by his side, a true native American from Dakota, a Lakota. I would put Jill Stein and the native Americans in that department.

What I will say to Trump and his supporters, 'No Fracking' in America, and 'No Pipeline' through Dakota. Otherwise, America will face the consequences.

At the end of the day Trump, the people require clean water, not tall buildings. The people require justice and truth, and that includes clean water. The children require nature and a natural environment, not more concrete everywhere, like they have in Chicago.

The land has to be able to breathe, and the heart beat of the American nation has to be heard.

If Trump is elected President of the USA, I do think he will do his best that he can, I do think that the judges that he would appoint to the Supreme Court would do their utmost to get their country back on track with the constitution. He's the kind of man that is better on the job, than he is at examinations.

Trump is not an academic like Clinton, Trump is a man that gets things done.

Justice is incredibly important, and justice for the Native Americans is imperative. So let SUKKOT be a reminder to Trump and to Americans, the Hebrews were just like the Native Americans with their tents.

I hope that you view that as a fair summary, Trump is the working man, and Clinton is the career politician that has socially engineered children. Just look at where America is in the education tables, at least Trump managed to discuss that on his rallies.

The engineering of children socially; that real spiritual people stand against. Jesus was against children being socially engineered, that is why he said, 'let the children come unto me'.

So let us finish this with a song of love, as the Son of Joseph, loved to love. When I was a little girl, I always ran to Daddy, the power of his love and the heat of his chest. I knew that I could sleep soundly on his body, listening to his heart beat. He was the life and soul of every party, and integral to the family and its prosperity. He stood tall, and he stood straight, his love for his wife and children was unsurpassed.

I found it interesting that Trumps third wife, a Latino has the name of a saint. Melanija, and he called her his rock in a television interview. How wonderful then it would be to have a rock of love in the White House for the mothers and children of America. Trumps wife reminds me of the poise and grace of Sophia Loren. When you get Trump, you get a lot more than you might have hoped for, you get a large family of Trumps.

At the end of day and the end of the night, it's still about the heart.

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