
Wednesday 19 October 2016

Israel and UNESCO

Israel has suspended ties with UNESCO. I support Israel, UNESCO are not permitted to make a decision about Jerusalem. The LORD already made his decision about Israel and Jerusalem, when he sent yours truly to this location as foretold in the scriptures. He also gave instructions on what he would like done with the mosque, and the surrounding buildings. His instructions were delivered and passed on to Jewish people by yours truly. 


The basis of the claim of Muslims to the temple mount is based upon their belief that their Arab prophet went to Jerusalem in Israel. When the facts of the case are that the man never stepped foot on the land of Israel. Hence, the credibility of the claims made by Muslims does not stand up to scrutiny, by those that know what criteria had to be fulfilled as required and foretold in the ancient texts.

Now if the prophet of Islam was true, he would've have known the importance of meeting the criteria specified by the Jewish prophets and what that criteria was, either before or after it had been fulfilled.

So let's stick to the facts of the case shall we?

What did I have to eat last night? Pan fried chicken in rice bran oil and garlic. Mushrooms and onions cooked in garlic, served with coleslaw and a slice of fresh seed bread. I shall have fish today prior to the final presidential debate tonight. I also have plenty of fruit for my nutrients.

My nutrient soup this week has been carrot and fresh coriander with some celery, and goats milk. I am impressed with the longevity of the goats milk and goats milk is good for the back.

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