
Thursday 20 October 2016

MILO Millennials

Funny, that Milo was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog, same as my son. Milo is impressive, I'm happy that they appreciate him on the campuses in America. At a recent talk he said that he had to stop dying his hair white, because his hair started falling out, so he's letting it grow out. That's what happens if you bleach your head, don't put chemicals on your head.

Did you read that the largest chemical manufacturing plant in Germany was on fire? BASF was on fire, the same BASF that hopes to be the global chemical company. Germany has also bought up Monsanto and Bayer are also involved with BASF. Did you know that Milo speaks German? 

Milo is going to YALE, October 22nd. That's the 'Day of Allure'. 

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