
Saturday 1 October 2016


1st of October is 'TOP DOG' day. So funny to see MILO wearing a dog collar, especially as he was born in the year of the dog. TRUMP was also born in the year of dog, although Trump is a fire dog.

Wake up students. Clinton supporters backed the democrats for 30 years, yet what did they get in return? They were warned in 2008 not to vote for Obama and the Clintons, (Rev 13). Now look at the state of the nation in the hands of Obama and the Clintons. 

In the UK the students believed the Liberal Democrats, and they got handed £9,000 a year tuition fee costs, when will the students stop believing the politicians and wake up? Students believed in Tony Blair, what did they get? Over 100 'stealth taxes', and 'work assessments' with a different nation's corporation standing against you. 

Do you go to Bono concerts? Why would you do that when he supported Blair that took our country to war? Stop going to Bono concerts! 

Some of the students believed in Cameron and what did they get? A cut in pensions; they would like you to work until you are 70+. Taxed from cradle to grave, they have robbed you of your future retirement. A huge cut in welfare, destruction of the NHS, another war with Obama and Clinton with Libya. That's what the Cameron-May regime provided you with in exchange for your vote. 

When will the youngsters wake up to the fact that the politicians are not on your side? When will students wake up to the fact that business can be a minefield? It requires wisdom to survive it. When will the youngsters listen to the people that really care about them? 

When will the students wake up to the fact that the trade unions in the UK, knew in the 70's that there would not be jobs for everyone in this timeline? That's why in the 80's they introduced flexi-working, job-share, and huge investment was poured into new and more leisure facilities.

They knew that people would have a lot more time for leisure, although they hadn't worked out how those people would be able to afford it. In a time when there are not enough jobs and people cannot afford to live. 

Is immigration and population explosion in our culture, still as great as you think it is, when you can't find a full-time job, and there is only part-time, low paid jobs on offer?

American students are waking up to the fact that what they thought their future careers would be, have not worked out the way that they had planned, and Clinton laughs about it. It was in the 90's that  degree students were finding out that having a degree does not guarantee you a job in your chosen field of work. Yes, I did meet people with degrees that never stopped looking for a job.

People cannot afford to save up financially, people can't afford to live in the UK, the UK that is supposed to be the 5th richest nation, that is a reality check! 

In the UK, the immigration population explosion has impacted upon the indigenous population, it has put a huge weight upon the existing infrastructures, that are crashing due to the heavy weight of immigration upon it. 

Yet, those silly students with Corbyn think that immigration is great. While our historic culture is being destroyed before our very eyes. Do they even care about the historic culture that gave them the freedom to study, travel and to see the world? Do they even care about the culture that was looked up to by the rest of the world? 

Clearly not, more immigration is more important to those students, even more than their own future. I forewarned the young people of our nation in 2007, that what we were witnessing was cultural genocide. Now nearly ten years later, the indigenous population in London is now outnumbered by foreigners in our own country.

You've got foreigners in the House of Lords, Muslims making decisions about British law, people that fled to this country in the 90's, that have been put into positions of power over you.

Seriously, wake up, to the "Treason". 

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