
Saturday 1 October 2016

Simon Says

Simon Cowell creates publicity for SPIRIT as he talks about it, Simon said that he had to call out an 'exorcist'. Although his mum passed recently, so I would anticipate that she will try to communicate with him.

After the Son of Joseph passed over in the 80's, (my dad) things started flying around my bedroom and there were lots of bizarre happenings, until he was able to get the frequency right, then all was OK and everything settled down. Dad knew that I embraced life after death and so did he, after he passed over, he loved to be in communication with his daughter. He said, 'Forget me not'.


Even Simon couldn't save himself from the power of the flame could he?

Someone wrote on the internet, "If people don't save money, let them starve and die'. My response is this: 

'What do you think those people were supposed to save money with, when they were taxed to the hilt and basic living costs were more than they could afford? What do you think that they were supposed to save, when they had to make a choice between feeding or clothing their children? What do you think they could save when a man's wife has chronically ill with 'cancer', and he had to stay at home to take care of his wife and children? What do you think that they were supposed to save, when there were no jobs, and their parents were still feeding their children and putting a roof over their heads into their 30's? What do you think people were supposed to save when 40 year olds have had to return home to their parents because they cannot afford to live independently?' 

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