
Saturday 1 October 2016

Persecuted the Prophets

16M people in the UK have less than £100.00 and are chronically ill. People who are chronically ill, they can't get the appropriate help from the NHS, they can't get the appropriate help from DWP, their pensions have also been removed from the women.

At the same time there is blood being shed in every town and city. Evidence of the increase of a nation's poverty with immigration involved in it. What they did to America, is being implemented in the UK, and we know what that creates don't we? Anarchy on the streets, do you remember 2011 when England was set on fire? Did the politicians get the message?

They couldn't save themselves from the power of the flame could they? You took on little Israel, north London, and what did you get in return?


You can tell how compassionate a nation and people are; by the way that they treat the vulnerable, women and children. 'In the same way they persecuted the prophets that came before you'. Matthew 5:11-12

What else did they do, they 'locked' people up for speaking the truth, they 'insulted' and 'persecuted' exactly as the bible foretold that that they would in this timeline. They were refused a doctor, they were refused a solicitor to help them. Surely, there will be a 'BITTER END' to this, for the words of the LORD are true, as seen in actions.

1 comment:

  1. While MEP's were fighting in Strasbourg, in April there has been another suicide of a child.
