
Sunday 2 October 2016

Fountainheads Rosh Hashanah

Hope you have a happy Rosh Hashanah 2-4 October, 2016. In the Jewish calendar it is the 5777 year. If we add up those numbers we have the numeric of 26, the gematria of the name of God.

So it is bound to be a powerful year for Israel, although I do have a sense of what I would call Trepidness today. ' Trepid -v- Intrepid', so for instance you have the 'Intrepid' Trump supporters -v- the 'Trepid' Clinton supporters. It's a comprehension of change, a difference in change, that will have a huge impact.

I am not on the edge of my seat waiting for something to happen, although I know something is going to happen, if that makes sense.

The word 'Trepid' as been in the English language for at least 350 years. I am dauntless, yet, sensitive with it, it's an awareness, that something is going down in the world. Something that some people won't be very happy about. It's a feeling of weariness, being weary of what is happening in the lives of others. As in a deep concern for people and their lives in this timeline.

It's my intuition, that is a preparation, so that it will not be a surprise, when I receive the news about what has happened, like a forewarning of something. Like when David would appear before my mother when there was going to be a passing in the family, and he did the same with yours truly too during my youth. Our connection has been so strong in so many different incarnations, our lives have been intertwined, so many times.

As such, I don't feel as happy as these Israeli's do in these videos. As such, I don't feel like celebrating this holiday and new year yet. October being the tenth month in the English calendar does give us a new cycle of time.

The numeric of two is also to do with relationships between people, so it's not surprising that there has been a big break-up in Hollywood in the lead up to this holiday, with the children involved as a major aspect of the break-up between Angelina and Brad. New beginnings for both of the parents in this timeline.

A large age gap between partners is not always a good idea, with Brad at 52, and Angelina at 41. That's eleven years the numeric of duality that they experienced in their relationship. Hence, numerics can be a major influence in your lives and happiness. Relationships also tend to end the way that they began. Brad at 52 is an elder now, he knows what he has to do, whereas his wife soon to be his ex is still learning on her journey, and she certainly has a lot to learn.

With three marriages behind her now, she really should step off the world stage, sort herself out, and concentrate on looking after her children. Instead of getting others to look after them. Why have six children unless you are going to spend most of your time with those children? Children are not for Christmas, they are not for photo opportunities on UN missions abroad.

In 2014, when I had the dream of Brad his mother asked who I was, in the dream I replied, 'I am the mother of mothers, that taught mothers how to be mothers'.

2nd October, is the 'Day of Candour', 3rd October is the 'Day of Trendsetter', and the 4th of October is the 'Day of Survival'. I certainly have a couple of things to do tomorrow on the trendsetter day.

What did I have to eat yesterday? I snacked on some cheese and large olives and I had to finish up some bananas, so I had some banana fritters and a pancake with golden syrup and ice cream.

What do I fancy today, some fruit and ice cream, maybe some cheesecake. I feel like nurturing myself and my home and to prepare for tomorrow. Just being today, I used to call it a pottering day, when I potter around the home, doing anything that suits me to do in my sanctuary.  Relaxation, and peacefulness.

I fancy some salmon fish and salad with some saute potatoes, some fruit smoothie to drink to nurture my life. 


Artist Sophie Anderson 

Have a happy ROSH HASHANAH everyone. Special wishes to Israel be the best that you can be, be the best that you can be everyone in love beyond measure, moon in Libra, justice and balance.

Walk gently and carefully on our planet. Look before you leap into new opportunities children, think carefully about the choices that you are making for your lives and futures. Make sure that you know both sides of the decisions that you make, so that you can make the most appropriate for you at this time.

In many areas of the world, the future of countries is uncertain; due to the ecological and climate changes. You have to be as prepared as you can be for as many different eventualities as you can critically think about. Be compassionate to yourselves, honour yourselves, be tender with your minds, bodies and souls.

Always remember blessed are the merciful, the merciful receive mercy in abundance. It requires mercy for loving kindness and charity to exist. Always in my heart.

available from eBay  

Jonathan Pie always makes me laugh. Defending freedom of speech in his comedic way.

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