
Monday 31 October 2016


As many people are discussing elections and politics, many Christians are still discussing theology.

In this video from 2015, Dr Christopher King speaks about Origen who was taught by St Clement of Alexandria. The video text says that many today might find his mystical ideas surprising and shocking.

In this video Bishop Lewis Keiser discusses Kabbalah and the Gospel of Thomas. Jewish mysticism.

What is he talking about, the 3rd heaven is mentioned in the bible. Lewis also mentions the transfiguration, but that is also mentioned in the bible. The bible says that Jesus was transfigured by the Jewish prophets, Moses and Elijah and that is when Peter offered three shelters. One for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. In some translations it is "Tabernacle".

Interesting that when my son and I came home from Australia, a mutual friend of Peter's had made a health and spiritual forum, and I was asked to go on board to help them to establish it. Then if we review the bible it mentions the boards in relation to the tabernacle.

It was on that internet health, healing and spiritual board, that I first shared the divine messages that I was receiving, and that phase of the spiritual journey that began in 2000.  How amazing things are when you look back in hindsight. As the LORD said, 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.

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