
Monday 31 October 2016

FBI "Probe of A Weiner"

The American "Political Crash" continues with the re-opening of the FBI investigation.

I did try to forewarn Americans in the summer of 2008 and on-going. I even did some on-line interviews for a radio show, and kept those Americans in the communication stream of the divine messages and visions that I was being given about America. It just kept on coming so fast, it was like a pent up flood, I was sending out numerous emails to Americans on a daily basis.

The Obama-Clinton Titanic is sinking, and now a lot of Clinton supporters are jumping ship, exactly as foretold that they would. Millie gives her feedback on the fact that Clinton's support is 'declining' in America following the FBI re-opening of the investigation.

Feedback on what was happening in Europe was provided by yours truly, I also sent Americans, a lot of film evidence and it included the undercover film documentaries that were filmed by CH4.

In return they sent this photograph that was taken in Chicago.

Trump has vowed to expose the perpetrators of 9/11, if he is elected President.

As Jesus foretold, the 'Truth will set them free' and Prophet Isaiah also foretold that the slain will remain hidden no longer.

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