
Monday 31 October 2016

Poverty Is Not A State of Mind


I have proven time and time again, that the American system is "rigged against the poor" due to the 'Economic Cruelty' system that has been implemented in America. Their system, as also been implemented in the UK and other European countries since Tony Blair was elected. That's when they introduced the "Work Assessments". We now have a situation whereby an American corporation is sanctioning my people, and an American corporation has the management of my people's medical and dental records.

Not only that but 1950's women are struggling to stay alive because the pensions that they paid for have been removed. People with all sorts of serious health conditions are being refused financial assistance. Even people with 'Cancer", and people with no limbs are being told that they are fit enough to go to work. They don't even have enough jobs for all of the young healthy people due to the immigration and population explosion.

So I agree with some of what Diamond and Silk are saying, although I don't agree with them that 'Poverty is a state of mind', because the system, has been 'rigged' against the people. Jesus foretold that the 'Truth Will Set Them Free" and Prophet Isaiah foretold that no longer will the slain remain hidden. There have been rising suicides in the UK, due to the American system that has been introduced into the UK.

We've even had to kick American food out of our schools, to help get our children back on track. What the American career politicians supported was a 'Path of Destruction', you only have to look at Chicago to see what happened to that. We all know about Obama and his community organising don't we, and what that co-created for African-Americans.

The heavenly Father as spoken of a 'Political Crash', and surely it has been a long time coming America. Americans were told to pay up, when he told them to pay up, and they refused.

He wasn't asking them for much, he asked for a dollar a day. Women in our country, were inserted with American contraceptive devices and at least 50% of those women contracted 'cancerous cells'. 

For some it ended their marriages, and impacted upon their whole lives. With laser treatment, and some also had to have operations, some had both. Some people even died due to what America did, true! Yet, that same American corporation continued it's business, even after Searle were banned from selling those products in America, they carried on selling them to third world countries. Giving even more women 'cancer', so if you think corporate Clinton is for women, you better think again. 

America that got rich on the backs of the poor, and keeps on doing it, remember the Clinton Foundation and Haiti? What it should be is the poor getting more prosperous on the backs of the rich, the rich and wealthy helping those that are less fortunate. The whole of my life I always helped those that were less fortunate, in whatever reality I found it.

My parents were poor, yet they did their best to prosper for their children to prosper. Their aim was for their children to have a better life than they had, and to have freedom was incredibly important to both of them. The Son of Joseph used to sing to his family, 'Born Free' and after he passed over, he said, 'Forget me not'.

That is what the law of giving is all about, it is the law of giving that Jesus spoke about. Americans were given a lot, what did they give when they were asked to give? What did they give when they were asked to help a person that had been sent to help them? Ever read the prophecy in Malakhi?

Do you even comprehend the humility involved of the humble hearted, that had to ask for help and turn to charities for financial help just to be able to live? The Spirit of Grace and Supplication lives and is on this planet.

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