
Sunday 30 October 2016


BREITBART have written about 'HILLOWEEN", due to Katy Perry dressing up as Hillary Clinton for a party.

However, the heavenly Father is speaking of a 'POLITICAL CRASH'.

Sometimes when he speaks it's like a wind, when a vehicle goes closely by you, with his words carried upon it. The magnitude of the weight creating it.

Soon afterwards, 20:12 was on my clock.

John Locke and the "School of Life", John Locke was into education, it makes you wonder what kind of education did Katy Perry and Hillary Clinton receive, not only at junior school, but also at home. I say that because the Son of Joseph and his wife, (UK) did not embrace the American festival that many Americans are now involved in. They've spent billions on it in America for decades. 

When I was growing up in London, children didn't bang on our door on the date of the American festival at the end of October, nor did we go to those kind of parties.

It began to impact upon children in the UK in the 80's, that's when I first really noticed America's influence, upon the children, when I had a child of my own. Is it a coincidence that it was also in the 80's that an economic recession began to bite deeply into our country and the lives of our people?

If you look at America and the growth of it, the more popular that the festival became, the more economic decline came upon them to the point of economic crash, and now political crash. It's like the crashing of the waves, it just keeps on coming until the tide turns back.

What also has to be said; is that a majority of the product for the festival that America spends billions on, it is imported from China, and in so doing, it increases the deficit of their country. So once again, it is a call to people to look at what they're willing to invest in, ask themselves, what is essential for life to prosper? What is essential for your culture to prosper, what is essential for your children to prosper in a healthy way? 

John Locke was born in Somerset on the 29th August, 1632, and he passed over in High Laver, in Essex, on the 28th October, 1704. Now that reminds yours truly of the LAVA Prophecy received in 2007. 

So what has our Milo been up to in America?

How interesting then that in High Laver,
there is an historical Faggoters Farm, and Lane.

The BBC just took a political crash when Milo was interviewed.

It was in 2000, when I first stepped on the internet, and an English owned forum, it was a health and spiritual forum, it wasn't long before I encountered the politically correct brigade and did my best to counteract it. Milo was just a youngster in those days.

However, free speech was defended, and that forum grew from one to 98 different forums, it was the biggest health forum on the internet.  I also shared the UN Universal Declaration of Freedom of Speech, Article 19 to remind people that it is a universal human right. 

I also launched the spiritual freedom campaign, due to what was happening politically. I was able to convince the forum, that politics was very important, due to political plans to impact upon alternative and complimentary medicine therapies and products. It had to be disclosed, and discussed out in the open, for everyone to see what was going on behind closed doors in the corridors of power of Westminster.

The leaves are for healing the nations, is biblical. In recent years I also unearthed a conspiracy against Prince Charles, who has done his best to defend the alternatives -v- pharmaceutical industry. 

1 comment:

  1. $8.4 BN being spent on the American festival.
