
Thursday 22 September 2016

Zechariah 12 Prophecy

Zechariah 12 includes a prophecy about the horse and riders and today in the news is a British businessman that has passed over in Iceland. Paul Schofield didn't tell the medics what had happened to him in case it impacted upon his insurance.

58 year old, Paul Schofield worked in the H&V industry. RIP

The prophecy also mentions how the LORD would make Jerusalem an immovable rock. They could not get me to move when they tried to get me to move. He makes yours truly immovable. As I said to someone last week, I have lived in integrity for this long, I cannot give up now. Zechariah 12 also mentions the house of David and David passed over in 2013.

The coroner said he was innocent, the last that I read about his case there was going to be an IPCC investigation. David and I both knew that, 2012 was the end of the world as we had known it.

I had another dream today, it is a recurring dream, when someone keeps on asking me to sign something.

In dream interpretation putting your signature to anything in a dream, is an indication that, though you may enjoy only limited prosperity, you will have unlimited security. Signatures other than your own, signify long-term loyalty from friends and/or associates.

Then after the dream a person that I used to tour with professionally, brought me some flowers and food etc. Blessings upon her and her family.

God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. Roman 11:29

Interesting that this posted at 4:44 and that is the numeric of 'Perfected Love'.

4+4+4 = 12.

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