
Thursday 22 September 2016


Brilliant speech from Marine Le Pen at the EU calling out Juncker. When asked if she would promote leaving the EU in her election campaign, Le Pen confirmed that the people should be provided with a referendum on whether France should leave the EU. Le Pen supports BREXIT, so yes, FREXIT would certainly be possible with Marine Le Pen in the driving seat. Right after the UK voted for leaving the EU, she celebrated it, calling it a 'Cry of Love'. 

Marine Le Pen says anything is better than Clinton, and that Clinton means war.

In America, Dr Ben Carson supports Donald Trump and his words have been shared.

'I believe every life is worth protecting, particularly the unborn, that doesn't make me sexist'.

'I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, that doesn't make me homophobic'

'I believe in borders, the rule of law, and our sovereign right to decide who to let into our country; that's not xenophobic'.

'I believe that radical Islam is a mortal threat to America and Western civilisation, that is common sense, not Islamophobia'.

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