
Thursday 22 September 2016

Signature Dream

I had another dream today, it is a recurring dream, when someone keeps on asking me to sign some paperwork and I was reluctant to do so.

In dream interpretation putting your signature to anything, is an indication that though you enjoy only limited prosperity, you will have unlimited security.

Signatures other than your own, signify long-term loyalty from friends and/associates. If you are interested in dream interpretation, the best book on it was written by Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett, its called the 'The Dreamer's Dictionary'. It was first published by Souvenir Press, in 1974. Although my edition was published by Treasure Press in 1984.

However, I do enjoy helping people to interpret their dreams, as some do relate to world events, and some relate to the healing process. Some can be warnings about the future. In the past, I was asked to sign some paperwork by the NHS, at a London hospital, and I refused to sign it, because they were going to do an operation that my surgeon hadn't asked for. So instead of following the instructions of my laser surgeon, the hospital sent me home instead.

Then after I had my son, I was rushed into hospital in an emergency when he was six months old. I was only given 48 hours notice, not much time to ponder upon what to do about it, or even question it. I did speak to my mother about it, and she prepared me for the worst that could happen. As in those type of operations you don't know what they might find, and what they might do while you're under.

They then carried out the operation that they were going to do in London. Maybe if they had done what the laser surgeon has asked for, the operation after my son was born wouldn't have been necessary. In fact, I do think that my GP should've referred me back to my laser surgeon, in London, instead of 'cutting my cervix'. As I wasn't able to conceive again after that. There were only six laser machines in the country in the 70's, and my laser surgeon was a pioneer in the surgery. As far as I know he is still operating and now works in Ireland. His country of origin.

It's absolutely essential that you look at the paperwork that nurses give you to sign. If they had done that operation prior to having my son, I wouldn't have been able to conceive. So do comprehend the importance of it, and reading what you are asked to sign. As there is a lot that the doctors and dentists don't tell you, even when you ask them what the risk factors are. In fact there is a magazine in the UK, called 'What the doctors don't tell you'.

Sometimes it's important to cross-reference the dream indicators with biblical prophecy, as dreams can involve different dimensions of intention. So for instance in the Joel prophecy it foretold that people would receive dreams and visions in this timeline. So is the dream a forewarning about the future, or a reminder of the past? Sometimes you can find that the past, present and future merge together in more ways than one. Always read what you are asked to sign, before you sign it. Especially when surgery is involved.

Psalm 86:17, 'Give me a sign of your goodness' and signs are often given in dream state. Some of us have even seen handwriting, scriptures, and Hebrew. Surely it was a sign of goodness that I was able to conceive a child. For children are the supreme joy of human life.

Then after the dream a person that I used to tour with professionally, brought me some flowers and food etc. Food security and the human right to food. Charity. Blessings upon her and her family. 


God's gifts and his call are irrevocable, Romans 11:29.

The 22nd of September, is the 'Day of Restless Drive' in numerics, and 22 is a master number of the angels, charity and leadership. In Judaism the thought for the day includes: "I recognise this, this is a sense of wonder within me".

2016, is also a year of spiritual transformation for yours truly. Not just spiritual transformation, physical changes are also happening. 2012, was the end of the world as we have known it.

It looks like surgery will be in October, I have food and nutrients, I am as prepared as I can be.

Feeding myself up prior to it, building up my bodily defences as much as I can, with the most appropriate nutrients. This is the time for my body to receive as many boosters as it will allow me to give it, and I have to stay on it on a daily basis. 

I didn't really take supplements during my life, I ate as healthily as I could within my budget.

However, when you are going to have surgery, that is the time when your body is the most vulnerable, and it is imperative that you have exactly what your body requires to make it as strong and as immune as it can be. The healthiest you can be in all of your systems, especially your nervous system, due to operative procedure impacting upon it. Collagen boosters are also essential, although I shall take my cod liver oil for my bones. 

Best wishes to everyone and love beyond measure, as in the coming weeks I may not be around as much as I have been. This is a time to give as much positive and loving effort as I can to myself for now. Although I will be thinking of you all, always in my heart. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that the 22nd was the Equinox. Some feedback from Robert Wilkinson.
