
Friday 23 September 2016

NHS Carers

Following on from the signature dream today, that was to do with signing some paperwork, that I refused to sign. Then my sharing of the story when I refused to sign the paperwork in an NHS hospital.

The NHS is in the news again. This time it's about why so many patients have been put at risk. The NHS corporation, as become reliant upon health care workers, e.g carers, rather than fully qualified nurses.

The article shares with you sometimes the carers are asked to fulfil duties that they don't feel that they can do due to the level of their training. So it is about competence for many of these staff that are being relied upon to fulfil duties that are beyond their qualifications. Also our nurses received intensive training on the wards with the patients when they were trained that way.

This video was uploaded in 2013, 6,000 nurses were laid off, (that's on top of the 8,000 doctors that were laid off in 2007/8). The NHS has been shedding staff at the same time as the country has a population explosion.

Even the administration of pharmaceuticals, that many of the care workers are refusing to administer to patients, after being instructed to do so. You can appreciate why these staff feel the way that they do, it's a tremendous amount of responsibility that they are being asked to take on; when patients are in a life or death situation.

It's not just about the training either, as they're being paid as carers, then asked to do the job of nurses. Basically, the NHS is underfunded, understaffed with many staff that are underpaid. What they've done to save money is downgraded the experience of the workforce, and that has put far more patients at risk than ever before. More people die in hospitals in the UK, than they do in the USA. Although it's clear that many of those people are elderly people, that should be in special facilities tailored for them.

Also in 2013, over 300,000 health care workers were on zero hour contracts. That's not a job, that's casual labour. The care workers were meant to be support staff for the nurses, not replacement of their jobs.

NHS England as even had the audacity to ask for volunteers to go into the hospitals. While Vodafone had their tax bill written off, and they're planning another 22BN of cuts to the NHS with the STP's.  Where is the sense in that? The health of the nation should be the first priority, not replacing Trident.

We hear a lot of murmurings about people's lifestyle choices, when do they decide to tell the public the truth, and why people can't access the services that they are meant to be able to access. Where are the prevention strategies and implementation? There isn't any. The NHS has got into the habit of telling people that things are normal, when they're clearly not. Even when you go for a physical examination, they don't do it properly.

There is no explanation of risk factors, there is no discussion in respect of the causes. There is no overlap between the different departments, it reminds me of the UN. When you have a health department that is different to the peace department. So if you have a solution for both, that are clearly important to both, you can't address it with either of those two departments because they both have a different remit.

Apparently, the councils are telling GP's to tell their patients that are having a health crisis, to take more exercise. Seriously, what planet are they on?

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