
Friday 16 September 2016

Miraculous Calumet Peace Pipe

History, legends, use and origin of tobacco and pipes on the Great Plains Indians. It includes the art of making the Calumet Peace Pipes, and how they smoked for health reasons. 

Sophie Anderson - Time of the Lilacs 

It is also biblical due to the fact that the bible mentions the leaves for healing the nations. Interesting that the Indians smoked to relieve pain, and it would be interesting to see some brain scans on that. 

We also know that aubergine has nicotine in it, so what exactly is the medical profession in the West doing? Do they know anything about the importance of the leaves to benefit the health of the people? 

Are there any health benefits from smoking? This link is worth considering.

I didn't smoke during pregnancy did you? I put my baby first. 

There are many different leaves and I read about how liquorice was put in with the tobacco leaves in England. The tobacco was so popular that demand exceeded production, and it was then that the farmer had to buy in liquorice leaves from other European countries. Liquorice leaves are also great for cooking with, and the powder is wonderful in milk for healing purposes.


So many different leaves for healing the nations, so many different natural remedies. Did you know that there is a prophecy in the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' and it mentions the 'smoking'? The DSS is fascinating and I recommend the translation provided by Geza Vermes.

What else is on the menu on this eclipse? A lilac smoothie.

Last night I had a plate of watercress and brie for my brain, I had black grapes, fresh dill, chives, and coriander leaf salad with a balsamic and groundnut oil with garlic dressing. One slice of brown bread. 


Yesterday's dream when I wasn't allowed out so the medical profession could take my blood. The Mayan Pyramid Dream.

The artist Sophie Anderson did a painting called, 'No Walk Today', then after I saw the lilac energy just above my feet whilst in bed, (when I woke up yesterday) it meant that I was not being let out to go for a doctors appointment. I was physically immovable. Lilac smoothie is better for my body than a blood test. My body and soul doesn't like injections, or blood being taken from body.

My mother liked lilacs, that was definitely one of her flowers of choice. She had those flowers in all colours. I think mum should've been a florist, although her passion when she was young was hairdressing. My gran, Sophia, she wouldn't let her do it due to the chemicals going onto her hands.

So my gran, was definitely health aware and anti-chemicals. You didn't see loads of cleaning products in her house, in fact, we didn't do any cleaning together.

She looked after me instead, someone else must have done the cleaning for her, I think her daughter  did it, she was into cleaning big time. Sophie had it sussed didn't she, don't do what you don't have to do, let the youngsters do the hard work.

Then when I was old enough, my mum made me wash the kitchen floor for her and do the dusting etc. The chores in exchange for pocket money, I did the same with my son. He had to do chores for his pocket money.

When she bought me fruit that I liked, Sophie used to say, 'A little bit of what you fancy does you good'. I did have a toy hoover, iron and a cooker. Funny, the things that you remember.

Proverbs 31 

This year, I still had bruising come up on my right arm, where they took the blood in 2015. Wisdom will instruct those doctors if I require a test. Wisdom decides what she will agree to and what she will not. For the LORD is my preserver, the preserver of my soul. Wisdom more precious than rubies. 

Happy eclipse everyone. Peace Pipes indeed. 

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