
Friday 16 September 2016


Its been an interesting lunar eclipse. There was 'no blood test' for 'fasting'. There was immovability that was disabling my ability to get up and go out. There was the dream of the Mayan pyramid found in the UK and being on the top of it. Lilac energy appeared by my feet and I made a lilac smoothie for this eclipse. Its also Shabbat in Judaism.

When love takes over.

Then there was the breakthrough with the 'Bus' that was to do with a car accident during the time of a bereavement. The sudden 'stop and starting and stopping' again that my soul doesn't like. I see a link to the birth of my son with that too. As my contractions went right at the time he was meant to come out. The midwives didn't believe me, until they looked at the technology that was monitoring the birth. So then there was an emergency operative procedure, 'Cut Open', 'Forceps' to get him out of the womb. 36 stitches followed that. The cost of giving life to a bundle of joy.

Then the midwife had a row with the doctor in front of me, because the doctor had let me see the size of the forceps in front of me. Giving birth was not funny, although there was plenty of gas and air.

Sophie Anderson - Time of the Lilacs 

My son, he laid on my nerve for two weeks and maternity did nothing about it, they just let me suffer before they brought me on. Wisdom kept telling them that the baby was late, they wouldn't have it. They didn't even discuss the risk factors or consider the 'damage' that it could do to the nervous system. The NHS, it seriously requires love to take it over. With every operative procedure there is risk factors to consider, even having a 'blood test' taken. Can the NHS explain to me how it is that a year after a 'blood test' is taken, that bruising still appears in that location a year later? What damage does 'blood tests' do to the veins and surrounding tissues?

I know my body, I know my soul, I also knew the soul that was in my womb. History repeated itself, I didn't wish to be born, then my son didn't wish to come out of the womb either. He liked it in my womb all his requirements were met, he was nice and cosy, just like the puppies inside their mums.

Lunar eclipse today, and WASPI women are gathering around the UK in protest over the pension equalisation. The thing is that the plans are for women and men to work until their 70's, then it will be their 80's, no enjoyment of retirement for you younger generations. Unless you take action now.


That is why it is essential that you all unite against the pension cuts and plans that have been implemented in the UK. It really is time for love to take over.  The WASPI women have chosen to wear 'Black' the colour of 'Mourning', as the 1950's women are bereaved of their pensions, bus passes, dental treatment, help with heating costs, etc, etc.

This saros 147, the gematria of Mashiah. On the day of Spirited Energy. I'm sure the WASPI women are in high spirits today at their gatherings.

What else is in the news? Diane James takes over UKIP as its new leader. An ex-business woman and healthcare professional. Its all going lilac today in the UK.

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