
Thursday 15 September 2016

Bodhisattva Smoothie

What else happened today? First I was immovable, then I was given a dream, and afterwards I saw some lilac energy. Later in the day, I went out to get some fresh air in the sunshine. I found some bananas reduced to 50p, and some black grapes for a £1. I already had 50p of apples.

So my eclipse smoothie for my healthy nutrients is a lilac colour smoothie.  It has one banana, one apple, a handful of black grapes, (do wash them) and some milk. Delicious. There is a saying, an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. I do like my juiced drinks, super, duper, the juicer is an essential in my kitchen.

Sophie Anderson - The Time Of The Lilacs 

My throat likes that lilac coloured smoothie, it's very soothing. A Bodhisattva smoothie for the Mashiah eclipse.


What did I have to eat yesterday?

I had a plate of watercress for my brain, on top of that I had fresh dill, chives and coriander served with two-egg mayonnaise  and two slices of brown bread. My dressing for the salad was a large sliced clove of garlic, balsamic vinegar and groundnut oil.

That groundnut oil is 100% peanut oil, and I do like receiving the nutrition from my nuts. What's so important about peanut oil? It is high in Vit E.

Yesterday I found some more mushrooms for ten pence, so I shall have some garlic mushrooms cooked in butter this evening. With a green herb salad, with some brie. Brie is excellent for your Vit K, and helping your brain to assimilate Vit C. More peanut oil and balsamic vinegar dressing on the salad too.

I could also make some mushroom and herb cous cous for tomorrow, as I have plenty of fresh coriander. Cous cous goes such a long way, and it is so light and easy to digest and no cooking involved. It would be great with some black grapes, apple and sultanas. Grated carrots and sultanas are also good together. So plenty of fresh salads and fruit in this heat wave that we are having in the UK.

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