
Thursday 15 September 2016

Mayan Pyramid Dream

I didn't get to a doctors appointment today, as when I woke up I couldn't move physically. The LORD made me immovable, no compromise, he decides when and where I go, and if he will let me go anywhere. For that is how it is for his holy ones.

After I realised that was I immovable, and there was nothing that I could do to get me moving, I just allowed myself to drift off to sleep, and while sleeping I found myself in dream state.

Then I was shown a picture of an ancient Mayan pyramid and it was in the UK. It was absolutely huge, the largest and most beautiful  pyramid that I have ever seen.

Then I was in a car with another woman, and we were driving around and around, through a town that looked closed up, deserted. I looked to see where we where, and I saw a telephone number that began with 100. Then I tried to think of a location in the UK that could possibly have that numeric.

We kept on driving, trying to find an access entry to where we were going, as there were construction type walls all around the area. The area was quite hilly, like being on a mountainous range.

Then suddenly, we were surprised, we found ourselves upon the top of it. There were two other people on the top of the pyramid, they looked American and had long blonde hair.

The man on my left had been on his way to somewhere else with some equipment that he was holding in his hands.

Equipment that could help to excavate the pyramid, he had done a detour on his journey, and stopped off in the UK, when he heard about the discovery of the pyramid. The man on our right felt compelled to come to the site to see it for himself. Then the dream ended.

Biblically the numeric of 100 is to do with the spiritual law of giving, and this dream was given on the 'Day of Mastery'. To dream of numbers is usually a positive message.

In dream interpretation to dream of a pyramid can indicate a pleasant change of pace that is coming. If you were being driven in a dream it can indicate that you will have some financial luck, something that can benefit you financially.

There were foreigners in the dream, and to dream of a pyramid can also indicate travel to foreign lands, in this case, the foreigners had come to the UK due to the historical site and the archaeology thereof. It truly was an incredible find, the greatest historical site ever found in the UK.

The beauty of England, it is awesome, pastures green.

We stood looking at what we could see in awe of it. It reminds me of when I first saw real mountains covered in snow, I was totally in awe of the immensity of the size of it.

In dream interpretation to dream of friendly and helpful foreigners is auspicious. Interesting that the last time that I met some American archaeology graduates was when I was in northern Israel in 2006. The group and I were staying at the same hotel at the kibbutz on the sea of galilee, and they did have blond hair.

You hear about the Americans and their gender studies a lot, when do you ever hear about the American archaeologists? It's great to have such a positive and interesting dream. Clearly, the LORD decided that I shall not go to the surgery today, he decides on my going out and my staying in. It is he that preserves my soul. He's not letting them have anymore of my blood at this time, no blood test today. Love thy will be done.

Whose in the news today? The American Edward Snowden speaking from his heart.

What else do we have on the spiritual symbology of the pyramid? Author J.C. Cooper shared the following on the spiritual symbology. 'It is symbolic of the world centre, and axis mundi that is representative of the Sacred Mountain. 

The apex of the pyramid symbolises the highest spiritual, and initiatory attainment. It also signifies fire, the flame, the masculine force. The steps of the pyramid signifies the structure of the cosmos and planes of consciousness. The ascent of the sun in the firmament. In Aztec symbology, it is symbolic of the fifth sun of Quetzalcoatl. Plato uses the pyramid to symbolise the earth element, with the cube as air, octahedron as fire, icosahedron as water, and dodecahedron as ether.'. 

On that mountain in the dream of the pyramid, there were only four people that had arrived on the top of it at the same time.

Two single men and two single women and the numeric of four is to do with the moral compass of the heart. Pythagoras referred to the numeric of four as a square number. With the numeric of four, every thought and action as a unique individuality. Interesting that the numeric of four is seen in the cross, and the symbol is also seen in the ancient pictographs.

Proverbs 31 'The Bed covering'. 

They frequently shock others with their actions and speech, and how they make their arrival, including in what they choose to wear. They dress differently to others naturally.

Aquarians like to do that. Often it is deliberate. If there is a different and a unique way of doing something, the four people in this dream will.

These are people that are concerned about the future, because Aquarians live in the future, they are light years ahead of everyone else. They have an inborn talent for prophecy, knowing instinctively what will happen or be fashionable long before it arrives. Their unconventional lifestyle, and their crazy ideas tend to work out successfully. With these people, the most way-out notion can be turned into reality. That is so Aquarian energy, and they do like to be on top of different aspects in their lives and master of the different realities that they are faced with.

I bumped into a woman yesterday, a woman that has known me a little since the early 90's, and she said, 'You are articulate', 'If anyone can do it, you can'. She recommended that I do what others are asking me to do, I responded, 'I can't do that, I have stood in integrity this long, I have suffered due to the integrity of my heart and Spirit, I cannot give up now'.

Then today, I was given this dream.

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