
Wednesday 14 September 2016

Jesus "Fasting" Prophecy

There is an interesting prophecy in the book of Luke that mentions the 'Bridegroom' and his friends. How the friends wouldn't fast until after he had left. 'Jesus answered, "Can you make the friends of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast". Luke 5:34

It reminds me of a time when people in Western nations went diet crazy and at the same time there was an explosion of spirituality in the UK, it was like a volcano had erupted, and spirituality was coming from everywhere.

It really soared in the 80's when there were so many different diet fads, I must admit I didn't require any of those diets that became fashionable at that time, as I ate properly and healthily. Although after a partner leaves you, its like a bereavement, and you find that you have no appetite. That is often the reason why people shed weight when a relationship ends.

In fact there is another passage, that is clearly talking about the weight. Mt 6:16. 'Whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their appearance so that they can be noticed by men when they are fasting. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward in full'. 

What possible reward could that be? People became more healthy, just think of it, all those people that were dieting are mentioned in biblical prophecies. Scientists are now discovering that 'Fasting' can have a positive impact on the immune system; and they are excited about the potential prospects for MS patients.

Then there was the two year study done at Great Ormand Street hospital, in London, whereby the children that were given a high protein, low carb diet, their epileptic fits stopped. How amazing is that?


The Greek word translated as "Bridegroom" in that passage in the NT is Strongs 3566, and it comes from a Greek root word that means, 'a betrothed woman', 'a bride'.

Who else was known for fasting? The Jewish prophets Moses and Elijah.

In the Psalms we find Psalm 35:13, 'But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth; I humbled my soul with fasting. And my prayer kept returning to my bosom. Psalm 35 also mentions the 'Bereavement of my soul'. it was only after the new millennium began that I discovered that my soul had been bereaved for all of those years, since the day that he left. I was abroad at the time in the Canaries, it was an incredible powerful healing for my soul.

On my way back to the airport, I made a point of returning to see some people that were working in a restaurant, as I had promised that I would return to see the staff before I left their lovely Island. So that we could share some time together and I could give those people the divine guidance that they were asking for.

Then there is also the Jewish prophecy in the Tanakh whereby Isaiah discusses "Fasting" and the type of fasting that the LORD requires, 'to break every yoke of oppression' and it is mentioned again by Prophet Zachariah when it talks about caring for the 'poor and oppressed'.

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