
Sunday 18 September 2016

Carrot and Coriander Soup

I've enjoyed the recent eclipse energies and last night I cooked some soup for today for lunch. I checked my watercress and what was left had to be cooked or thrown away. So I decided to try it in my carrot and coriander soup. Fortunately, I also had some fresh coriander, and its the first time that I've cooked my carrot and coriander soup with fresh coriander.


I must admit, I did like the soup more with the fresh herbs in this case. Included in the soup was four large carrots and the watercress chopped/grated in the juicer.

Gently turned it over in the pan in some groundnut oil and a large clove of garlic chopped small.

Included plenty of water, allowed the carrots to cook with some sweet potatoes pieces, that I had in the freezer. Black pepper, paprika and a sprinkle of dried ginger to taste. When the soup was nearly finished, the bunch of coriander was included. Absolutely, delicious soup, it has always been one of my favourite soups.

On top of my soup I had some no yeast cheese, mozzarella, sliced thinly. Served with two slices of brown bread and butter. Although if you have any 'cancerous' health conditions, I recommend that you have no bread with yeast in it either.

The power of healing foods.

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