
Saturday 17 September 2016

IAPT Workforce Census Report

'Yes, GP's are paid a flat rate and then incentivised to carry out additional duties'.

Clearly, there are some that are gaining from the STP's, and there are many that are not. The 'Sustainable Transformation Plans' as they've called it means another 22BN of cuts to the NHS.

It also means closure of A&E at hospitals at nighttime due to staff shortages they say, but is it?

In 2008, over 8,000 doctors were laid off in the UK. In some areas they have already closed A&E altogether. I remember being at A&E and a gran and her child couldn't get home in the middle of the night. There was no A&E where she lived, because it had been closed down, and there was no transport for her get herself and her child home. The elderly woman couldn't afford a taxi.

Yesterday, 'Network.NHS.UK website uploaded the latest STP plans with IAPT CBT following the 'Workforce Census Report'. 'The report, reports on the size and shape of IAPT workforce in England, 'including insight into the capacity of IAPT services to offer full range of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommended psychological therapies.' 

I don't think they know the meaning of 'INSIGHT' do you? They use spiritual and biblical words in their language to support the medical profession and their realities.  When in fact, the bible prophecy is against 'those that can take the soul' in the medical profession.

Ask yourselves would Jesus agree with 'flu shots' impacting upon your brains and the brains of your children?

Basically, the Clinical Commission Groups are planning on expanding IAPT CBT. Yet the report has already identified that there are 'Skill gaps', and it requires improvement. Requires improvement, the service should be replaced completely with its staff. Its staff that tell its practitioners to close down their files; so that they can increase their stats and reach their targets. If they do that then they get more funding as is planned with the STP's.

CBT claim in their stats that they have 40% recovery. Yet their stats don't stand up to academic scrutiny.

In 2014, Patrick Pietroni, spoke at the 'Challenging IAPT CBT Conference. In his speech he shares how 'IAPT CBT is overselling the evidence base'. Patrick says that there is a 'fascist control' at the top of it, and CBT staff have to report in with whether they have met their targets. 

What did you think would happen? CBT is an American system, it was developed by Aaron Beck in Philadelphia in the 80's.

What's the latest news from Philadelphia? Another shooting. '2 dead and five wounded'.

You have seen what has happened to America and the sheer amount of poverty, America is proof that CBT did not stop the rise in poverty or resolve the health issues that its workforce had.

Truly, America and its CBT,  is an example of what not to do to our people. Remember what Jesus said, about America, 'They've failed'.

Patrick shares that his elderly patients did far better with massage therapies than they did with psychological help. He asks "Have we forgot the body?".

You can watch the rest of the conference and the other speakers from Europe and America challenge IAPT CBT on youtube.

While CCG are planning to expand IAPT CBT with more and more funding, 58% of patients cannot access neurological services; and neurology is so important for so many different health conditions.

Seriously, enough is enough. It's time for love to take over.

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