
Sunday 18 September 2016


On the journey, especially when I was sent to a location where there were many American's, the heavenly Father spoke and he said, 'You have the lever to get them out of the mire'.

Lever is an interesting word, as in leverage. It is written that 'A lever amplifies an input force to provide a greater output force, which is said to provide leverage'. 

And it's interesting looking at the etymology of that word and its origins. The 'Law of the Lever', is also mentioned and it is written that it was proven by Archimedes using geometric reasoning.

Archimedes of Syracuse, a Greek born in 287BC. 

He was inventive, a creative thinker, that embraced many different realities. His goal was to save his nation by defending it from invasion.  He was killed by a Roman, although instructions had been given not to harm him. Apparently, his last wishes included asking for a sphere and a cylinder to be placed upon his tomb in memory of his discoveries. It is written that he was praised and respected by Galileo, and he referred to him as being, 'Superhuman'. 

You can understand and appreciate the 'law of the lever', as in when you have something that can help others, something that no-one else has, due to it's uniqueness. 

As in when the LORD says, 'Only you can do this'. 

It can require specific skills, life experience, innovation, a particular understanding and appreciation of different realities, specific insight, and extraordinary talent. It is a combination of all of those aspects that make the discoveries and new inventions so interesting.

Although the academics still question the work of Archimedes. 

"Magnitudes are in equilibrium at distances reciprocally proportional to their weights".

I am not an engineer, nor do I have a technical brain, so you may view this completely differently to the way that I do. I view it in a philosophical way, I am looking at it in terms of what has been amplified since the message was first received. What was crucially important, at each point of the journey. How we were divinely guided with the journey, through each phase of it. How we reached those that wished to be reached, how we helped those that asked for it.  Yoshofar. 

All those baths, big smiles. 

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