
Monday 8 August 2016


I have just spoken to the Neurological Alliance, as I am very interested in Neuro Science and its discoveries. The Neurological Alliance in London are a lobby group that are active in trying to get the government to provide appropriate services for patients. Over 58% of patients are not being offered the services that they require. In 2012, the NHS issued a directive to GP's, that everyone with a long standing back issue must be referred for an MRI scan immediately. Yet, even now, it is taking 6-7 years to get an MRI scan and to see a neurologist.

There has been some interesting Neuro Science news in recent years and the implications are profound for anyone that might have a neurological condition. Researchers at the University of Virginia, 'have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic system has been so thoroughly mapped throughout the body is surprising on its own, but the true significance of the discovery is in the effects it could have on the the study of neurological conditions'. 

What they discovered is that the impossible existed, and that they will have to change the medical text books. That reminds me of when Mother Mary gave me a blue mystical rose for achieving the impossible, years prior to this research being published.

However, when I spoke to the Neurological Alliance today, I did share that I had found that the inversion table had helped a lot and had impacted upon the sciatica. When we do inversion we are actually getting more blood flow to the brain and more oxygen. After the age of 25 the collagen decreases and so does the oxygen that is essential for the brain.

So I have been feeding the brain with oxygen, and blood flow, and also with food, its all essential to life on the planet. Interesting that Reiki healing also increases the oxygen in the blood, scientifically proven. Some people don't like to hear about the scientific facts do they? Never mind, there are those of us that do embrace cutting edge science in the 21st century that was born in wisdom.

Dental pain seen in the brain.

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