
Monday 8 August 2016


Now those Liberals wilfully increased university student fees to £9,000 per year. In Scotland foreign students get their university education for free. How can the Liberals and socialists be happy about that? Is that what they call equality? Foreigners don't have to pay, but Scottish children do? I think we should send some Milo lava to Scotland to give them some reality checks. 


Milo he's so funny, his epic arrival on campus in America. My mum and dad would've loved him.

That's the sort of thing my dad would've done, he loved to provide a show for the crowd, especially when he was Milo's age. Milo is really enjoying the journey, and getting the most he can out of it. Putting his talents to the best use that he can, for the greatest impact, truly from the land of Joseph.

My dad triggered those hoteliers when he changed their menu's, he dressed up as an Arab and then paraded through the food hall in Spain tasting people's food and sending it back. In the 1950's, he convinced, young men and women to get dressed up as school girls, and he was the headmistress at the holiday camp. It was a riot, fancy dress competition, as they danced in with their hockey sticks and tennis rackets. The youngest Son of Joseph loved a party, and to have hilarious fun, he loved to make people laugh, and help people to have a good time. The life and soul of the party, and Milo is certainly the life and soul of the party wherever he goes.

Powerful personalities and characters that inspire people to think outside of the box, and to look at their comfort zones. Milo is in a league of his own, and that's why he's winning. Best wishes to him.

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