
Monday 8 August 2016

Merciful Neighbour

Clement of Alexandra was an inspiration to those that he taught when he brought forth the Christ teachings. "Which of them," Jesus asked, "was a neighbour to the man who suffered?' His listener answered, "The one who showed mercy to him." The Master replied, "so you should go and do the same thing, since love blossoms into benevolence'. Luke 10:36-37

In the teaching of the good Samaritan, we have the moral of the story and St Clement wrote: "if someone appears to be penniless, or ragged, or ugly, or feeble, don't let your soul fret about it, and turn away from them. Our bodies are only a form case around us. They are the occasion of our entrance into this world.'

Hence St Clement viewed it that it is the soul that frets, and I would have to agree with him, in my experience the soul also cries.

It has been noted that some people in the UK are worshipping Elizabeth, so I have this to say to those people that worship the woman that owns Buckingham Palace. Did she give her last two coins to help a person financially? Did Elizabeth give a cup or water to the poor children?

Did she give a gift of friendship to the poor like Diana did? Did she sit by their bedside, did she get the shopping for the lame? Did Elizabeth give justice in her courts? Or did Elizabeth allow her government to sell the water of our country to France and China? Can you respond to that Jacob?

Justice March

The water of our country does not belong to France or China, it belongs to the people that live upon our land, for as long as they live upon it. It is not for Elizabeth's government to sell any of our countries natural resources, they don't have the permission of the prophets and Apostles of Jesus to do so.  Nor do they have permission to frack our country, the people are standing up to Theresa May and her plans.

Did Elizabeth allow justice to be removed from the poorest of our nation? Did Elizabeth ensure that legal aid was paid for the poorest of the nation? Stop worshipping Elizabeth, for when did she ever beg?

When I was living in Australia, Lady Diana, our Queen of Hearts said, 'He will be the Prince of Wales but not the King of England'.

I had more communications with her during the journey, as she liked to travel with me, and I did write to Prince Charles with her will, as she had spoken of it while I was in Australia. Charles did not respond to my testimony to what Diana had said about her things; and who she wished for her things to be given too.

On my return to the UK, the Butler was in the news, as it had been discovered that he had taken some of her things. Diana also asked me to speak to the media about our communications, she said it would raise money for the mission of compassion and mercy for the children.

I told Diana that Spirit would have to find another way. Interesting that Zechariah chapter 12 mentions the riders and horses, and most of the British monarchy are riders. I was offered a ride in January 2004, and I couldn't ride anymore due to my back and hip condition. I couldn't even sit abreast a horse due to the back of the horse being too wide.

When I was sent to Israel in 2006, I asked for a horse as it had been shown to me divinely, that there would be a horse there, they just laughed at me when I asked the riding school for a horse with a side-saddle. They said that the only place I would find a side-saddle was in a museum. However, when I arrived in the location, there it was a horse and a young Muslim man were standing at the corner of the field, so we walked together and the rest is history.

There is life after death, and spiritual rewards. Clement of Alexandria also understood it when he wrote about Jesus. 'He is the one that has subjected angels, principalities and powers to serve us, as his (spiritual) reward to us'.

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