
Wednesday 17 August 2016


In this video Steve mentions the oil, whereas with Neptune I would be more inclined to look at what's been going on with the water resources in different nations. People in the UK have been very concerned about our water companies being sold to foreign corporations. A natural resource that is essential for life, a natural resource that belongs to the people, yet the people have had no say in what happens to it. That then reminds me of the recent dream of the child that came asking for a bath.

As far as the 'drug war' is concerned, we can't ignore the impact that immigration has had on the spreading of drugs in our nations. That then reminds us of the 'Immigrant Dream'.

The same can be said for the NHS, people don't find out what has been going on, and happening to it, until they have to step into it. Over 300,000 social care workers on zero hour contracts in 2013, that's not jobs, that's casual labour. 

Steve mentions drugs, and the 'drug war'. whereas I am looking at the American influence with the pharmaceutical companies and their influence over what happens in the NHS.

Julian Assange has done his utmost to disclose what is happening with TTP, thank God for Assange for spilling the beans. In 2014, academics in Europe held a conference challenging IAPT CBT and the CBT stats that don't stand up to scrutiny, and there are so many different organisations involved. CBT is another American reality that supports the pharmaceutical companies.

People that work in complimentary medicine were aware of how the pharmaceutical companies were trying to patent everything back in the 90's. We also know that there have been over 50 holistic doctors disappear in America due to different bizarre circumstances that impacted upon their lives. Julian Assange as also offered a reward of $20,000 for information leading to the person that 'murdered', the DNC staff worker, Seth Rich. 

Over 58% of patients don't have any access to neurological services in the UK and its taking 6-7 years to get an MRI scan for a long-standing back issue. More money is going into all the layers of administrators than is actually going into front line patient services.

No one is taking responsibility and defending the patients, patients are at the mercy of all of those organisations that are making decisions about their lives and health. You couldn't run a business like it, as a successful business requires a successful leader of it, with a supportive team, that is aligned with the mission statement of the company. There's that old English saying, 'Too many cooks spoil the broth', and that is exactly what is happening to the NHS and our national healthcare services. 

People are being asked to travel miles and miles to access the services with the specialist consultants that they require, and Clinical Commissioning Groups have given no consideration of how the patients will pay to get to those hospitals.

If TTP was signed, it is the end of the NHS that was created to serve the people. People with serious health conditions will find that they have to move closer to the hospitals that can provide them with the health care that they require. As specific services are being moved out of the local areas. 

Privatisation of the NHS has been the direction that the NHS has been going into for a long time. Remember what the Conservatives did to natural resources, electricity, gas, water, communications etc in the UK.

The Australians have recently blocked China from taking over their grid. At least the Australians have some common sense and national interest.

Although I did read on line that the Australians have sold some of their Islands to China.

Prophet Isaiah provided a prophecy about the Islands, and none of them are space spaces in this timeline. Probably why, Australia wasn't concerned about off-loading them, never mind about the people living on them, hey Australia. Australians mainly live on the coast, and there is a lot of water in-land in Sydney. When I was in Australia I did warn them about moving away from the waters edge and the coastlines.

I don't agree with Steve on Trump, over 38, 000 people were watching this last night on-line, and that was just on one channel. Whoever wins he election in America, Donald's family will still have a good life. However, over 2 million people have watched the 'Clinton Cash' documentary, and all of the Clinton assets should be seized for a thorough investigation.

Haiti would like their goldmine back and everything else that they are owed by the Clinton Foundation. Americans are saying, 'Hillary for Prison 2016'. The biggest donor to the Clinton Foundation was Saudi Arabia, how does that feel democrats? A Clinton administration would just be more of the same Obama administration, and Clinton's health is certainly in question by many Americans.

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