
Wednesday 17 August 2016


Marley is singing about the 'Calamity' (2005), and there is certainly a 'Clinton Calamity' in America. Over 2 million people have watched the 'Clinton Cash' documentary. Americans are wearing tee-shirts, 'Clinton for Prison 2016'. All of the assets of the Clinton Foundation should be seized for a thorough investigation, the biggest donor to it was Saudi Arabia. Does that surprise Americans? American media and its liberals are having a meltdown. Haiti would like their gold mine back, and all the rest that they are owed by the Clinton Foundation.

There were over 38,000 people watching the most recent Trump rally on line last night, that was just one of the youtube channels, people are ready to build that wall, and defend their nation, culture, and national interest. Shall we have a Trump CD with Trump songs? 

People are ready to defend their nations, for Zion defends, and the LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob. Yes, we have trumpets, its the big band sound. The Trump family are trumping people all over the place. Biden went to Belgrade, and the Serbians shouted, 'Vote For Trump', you have to smile. Go Daddy, Sound of Music.

'By a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt,
and by a prophet was he preserved'.

Hosea 12:13

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